Deschooling 101: For a Peaceful Transition from Public School to Homeschool

Get a Peaceful Start to Your Homeschooling Adventures

You Did it! Now what?!?

WooHoo! You made the decision to homeschool. And you're pumped to bring your kids home to learn. Feels good, huh?

Until you start thinking about what that's going to look like. And feel like. Because, as exciting as homeschooling sounds, you're not sure where to begin. And there's a whole lot of stuff your family needs to work through.

Deschooling 101 will guide you through a peaceful transition from public school to homeschool. So you can enjoy your new homeschool life 🙂

If you're new to homeschooling, hope is here.

Public school mentality can be tough to shake.

And sometimes negative experiences have long-lasting effects.

You want to get started on the right foot with homeschooling. You know in your gut it's the right decision for your family. But, you're not sure how to match up your hopes with your reality.

Find out why deschooling can help.


  • If you're suddenly, unexpectedly homeschooling, you need time to catch your breath. 
  • Kids experienced negatives, like bullying or academic pressure? Help them learn a better way 🙂
  • No traumatic experiences but public school mentality has seeped in? Kids having trouble making decisions or thinking outside the box? 
  • You're stressed because you don't want your kids to get behind but know there needs to be a change.

Hey! I'm Amy, a homeschool soccer mom to 5 boys. I've walked in your shoes & know how overwhelming all those unknowns & questions can be. The good news is that you can make this transition positive & enjoyable for all. I know it feels weird because it's so different from your public school experiences BUT you have the power to create a custom learning atmosphere in your own home. And Deschooling 101 will help you get started.

Deschooling 101 is the help you need for a stress-free transition.

These resources were created to make the deschooling process as smooth as possible.


70+ pages sharing our deschooling story, tips, tricks, & encouragement in PDF (read online or print)


Go deeper with discovering

the benefits of deschooling!

More tips + examples


Variety of worksheets to

help you customize your

deschooling experinece.

Place to Ask Questions

Get answers to your questions

on a private page right

here on Rock Your Homeschool.

Looking Ahead

Tips, resources, & great next steps

for what to do after your peaceful transition

from public school to homeschooling .

Get instant access to start your peaceful transition now!

Reap the rewards of deschooling as you set a strong foundation for your homeschooling adventures. This guide will give you the peace of mind 

you need to enjoy the process.

Make Deschooling Work for YOU!

Your family is unique. And so should your transition from public school to homeschool. Discover how to customize your deschooling experiences to meet the needs of your family.You need less, not more. Your family is going through a tremendous change. Instead of piling more work on yourself, get the support & information you need to take the stress out of deschooling.

Stop the worry & start the joy. Instead of worrying about not doing enough or what others might think, live your deschooling with intention & goals to help your family move forward.Use this time wisely. Reconnect as you rediscover the joys of learning.



Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

How do I know if my family needs to deschool?

Not all families "need" to deschool. Use this free checklist of questions to find out if you could benefit from deschooling.

I have a lot of "What if..." questions. Like, what if we never feel ready to start homeschooling? What if we hate deschooling? 

Deschooling 101 has an entire section covering very common "What if..." questions. Plus, you'll have our private page to ask questions & get feedback.

I'm so new to homeschooling! I'm afraid deschooling will mess our family up & we'll get behind.

Mama, I've been in your shoes & I know that fear! And I show you how to deal with those fears & more in Deschooling 101.

What if we try deschooling & it just doesn't work?

Hey, I totally get it! Deschooling isn't for everyone. I encourage you to give it a go for 30 days. If you aren't satisfied, you'll get your money back. No questions asked & continued well wishes 🙂

Make the Most of this Special Time.

Your transition from public school to homeschool can be a time of reconnection, rediscovery, & renewal. Enjoy this new direction for your family with confidence & peace. Release public school mentality & embrace the freedom of homeschooling.

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