Homeschool Mom Mindset Challenge: How to Make Affirmations Work for You

Discover the joys and benefits of using affirmations as a homeschool mom. Make affirmations work for you with these easy-to-do action steps found in our FREE Homeschool Mom Mindset Challenge. Because homeschooling can be positive & fun!


Mama, sit back and get ready for some special time just for you.

And the beauty of this special time is that you'll be pairing self-care with helping your homeschool.

I know how hard it is to make time for self-care AND not feel guilty for it. There's always so much to do and how in the world can you justify taking a bit of time out of your busy day to feel like yourself again?

What if you worked on building skills that you can use (and help your kids use) for positive thinking and a fun life? All while improving your sense of well-being and functioning?

Sounds glorious, doesn't it? Find out more in this video and read on!

What is a Homeschool Mom Mindset Challenge?

If you're game for activating your positive thinking powers, these Homeschool Mom Mindset Challenges are for you!

Select topics will be discussed along with action steps for learning and practicing powerful skills and techniques that allow you to experience the joys of cultivating a growth mindset as a homeschool mom.

Our first Homeschool Mom Mindset Challenge is focused on Making Affirmations Work for You. This FREE challenge will be broken up into five steps (but feel free to work at your own pace and when it's convenient for you!) to better understand and reap the benefits of using affirmations as a homeschool.

These Homeschool Mom Mindset Challenges are completely free and will be available whenever you need them right here at Rock Your Homeschool 🙂 Videos will explain challenge features, highlight important components, and give encouraging reminders. Questions and discussion will be encouraged in the comments section found below.

Other Homeschool Mom Mindset Challenges will focus on:

  • Reframing
  • Dealing with Resistance
  • How to Stop the Negative Thinking Cycle
  • Finding Gems in Your Homeschool Day
  • {Insert Your Request!} Yes-I want to create challenges to help YOU!! (Add your requests in the comments below)


Happy woman smiling & wearing straw hat & holding red heart on yellow background

Start Your Homeschool Mom Mindset Challenge: Making Affirmations Work for You

Simply click on the step to get started.

After reading the provided information and watching the video, complete that step's instructions. When you've had time to process and practice that step, move on to the next step. I encourage you to take at least one day per step but feel free to move at your own pace if you're familiar with the concepts.

I'm super excited that you've decided to join me on this journey towards cultivating a growth mindset as a homeschool mom. Taking time to work on yourself and your well-being is so very important as a mom. Because a positive and fun homeschool life that you can enjoy is worth working towards 🙂

I'd love for you to share your thoughts & feelings about
Making Affirmations Work for You as a homeschool mom in the comments below.

Oh one more thing 🙂 I've got a big favor to ask: I'd really appreciate it if you would share this challenge with a homeschool mom friend that you know could use a boost in her homeschool life. It's always better with friends. Thanks so much & let's help each other enjoy our homeschool lives!