12 Days of Christmas Activity & Craft Pack
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Oh, the joy of the holiday season is upon us! As I plan activities, crafts, and games to share with my boys and here on Busy Boys Brigade, I find my excitement intensifying. I am aware, however, of the eventual post-holiday slump that often befalls our family (and many others).
In a proactive gesture, I included plans for post-holiday fun. I will be sharing these ideas about how you can help your family cope with post-holiday blues and continue focusing on the true meaning of the holiday season.
The first post-holiday learning fun that I have planned for our family (and yours) uses Jan Brett's 12 Days of Christmas. Although the book is not necessary to have in your possession to follow along with our 12 Days of Christmas activities and games, this beautiful text would certainly be helpful and a wonderful addition to your family's library.
I love how the 12 Days of Christmas is presented and explained in this book by Jan Brett. Her illustrations are gorgeous and filled with extra tidbits of information. For example, the phrase "Merry Christmas" is shown in 11 different languages.
The song and tradition of 12 Days of Christmas has been handed down over the years. Several versions and interpretations of the song exist. No matter what, I love how it continues the holiday celebration from the Birth of Jesus (Christmas) to Epiphany (Arrival of the Three Wise Men).
Over the years, I have meant to take a closer look at this song with my boys. Often overwhelmed by the to-do lists of the season, I would find myself too tuckered out to give it a thorough examination. I decided that I would prepare ahead of time (isn't that what Advent is for? preparation!) an activity pack for our use after the holidays. I am much more likely to actually complete activities if they are pre-planned and organized.
My mom gave us Jan Brett's 12 Days of Christmas book a few years ago. We have read it each year and the boys enjoy her detailed illustrations. I love how a history of the song is presented at the end of the book. I chose it as a spine for our 12 Days of Christmas study.
I created a printable activity and craft pack for our use (and yours!) that you can find at the bottom of this post. My boys have a mix of learning styles and I try to address as many as possible in our studies. Also, I try to use as many materials that we already have to keep costs down. For a better idea of what we will be working on, read through this summary!
12 Days of Christmas Activity & Craft Pack
Word Search
Word Match
Story Cards
--use during reading of story
--print an extra set and playing as a memory game
--sequencing practice
--hide cards and have a treasure hunt
Number Cards
--cardinal numbers
--ordinal numbers
List of Activities, Games, & Crafts
To get your free 12 Days of Christmas Activities, Games, & Crafts Pack, simply click on the image below to access.
I pray that this 12 Days of Christmas Activity, Games, & Crafts Pack blesses your family this holiday season. I would love to hear about how you use this pack-and your own ideas for helping your family learn more about 12 Days of Christmas!