How To Celebrate Your Homeschool Year With Boy Tea Party

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Get ideas & inspiration on how to celebrate your homeschool with a boy tea party! Fun times while practicing manners and reminiscing.

Looking for some ways to celebrate your homeschool year? My boys and I love to end our homeschool year with a bang! I love to recognize the boys' hard work and take time to thank God for another year of blessing us.

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Homeschool Lessons:  Manners & Etiquette

During the homeschool year, the boys learn about manners and etiquette during our Morning Gathering time. Our mealtimes with 5 boys can quickly turn to talk (and demonstration) of bodily functions. I had noticed quite a few boardinghouse habits developing and wanted to nip bad manners in the bud.

Mealtime manners lessons included discussion about what is appropriate at home and when we are in public. Also, the older boys practice laying a proper table setting. We discuss topics that are okay to talk about and those that need to wait for playtime.

We have found The Young Man's Handybook: Preparing Your Son on the Homefront to be a useful resource for teaching boys about manners and etiquette. This book is out of print but I found a suitable substitute:  50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know Revised and Upated: What to Do, When to Do It, and Why.

Planning For A Boy Tea Party To Celebrate Your Homeschool Year

As we neared the end of our 2014-5 homeschool year (we count the days during Morning Gathering to work on various math concepts-counting, skip counting, number recognition), I started to think about ways we could celebrate their work.

The idea struck me that having a Boy Tea Party would be the perfect way to show off those manners and let them experience something our all-boy family has never had-a tea party! Unsure of how the boys would react, I formed a list of ideas that might appeal to them. Sparkling lemonade, cake, decorations-tasty treats usually do the trick!

Well, my boys never need an excuse to party! They jumped on the idea and helped me with planning and preparation. We eagerly counted down the days...

Celebrate Your Homeschool With A Boy Tea Party Time!

The last day of our homeschool arrived. The boys worked hard from mid-August until mid-May. (Our state requires 180 days of attendance.)  The brigade was ready to party-Boy Tea Party-style that is!

In the morning, I explained the use of place cards. They created their own place cards with much zeal. (And it helped keep them busy while Mommy got the cake ready-wink!)


We decided on a blue and white color scheme for two reasons. The obvious reason:  they are all boys. The other reason was to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. May is the month the Catholic Church honors Mary and she is often associated with the colors blue and white.

I decided to risk using wedding china. I explained the significance of these dishes and the importance of self-control and respect.


The 3 older boys helped me decorate our dining area. We blew up balloons and hung blue and white streamers. Captain led the brigade in making blue beeswax taper candles to complete the ambiance. (We made beeswax candles earlier in the year-another flashback in learning!)


When X man awoke from his nap in the afternoon, Mommy led the brigade in a prayer thanking God for our wonderful homeschool year and asking for His blessing over our summer. We popped open the sparkling lemonade and dug into the jello poke cake (white with blue jello). We reminisced over our homeschool year and talked about summer hopes and dreams.

I plan on having an end of the homeschool celebration every year! The boys practiced manners, party planning, and cooperation. It was an awesome way to wrap up our year-and look forward to summer!

As I update this post, I look back with fond memories of last year's boy tea party celebration. The boys have unanimously decided to have another one this May. I think we just may have a homeschool tradition starting!

How do you celebrate your homeschool year? Share your party secrets!

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