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Free Homeschool Art Classes Checklists for Prep & Clean-Up

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Art supplies with checklists for clean-up & prep


Do you want to include art into your homeschooling adventures but dread the mess? You can be sure that it's a common fear. Save time while teaching your kids good habits with these free printable homeschool art classes checklists for prep and clean-up.

I designed these homeschool art classes checklists to help my five boys learn how to properly take care of the art supplies that we are using with our Masterpiece Society Studio membership. All of us have been enjoying homeschool art lessons that focus on drawing, painting, and mixed media.

As much as we love these art lessons, I found myself getting frustrated. I was the only one preparing and cleaning up! Um, no. That's not going to work for our busy family.

I realized that my boys needed a few life skills lessons to boost their homeschool art fun 😉 If my boys wanted to continue their art studies, they needed to learn how to prepare, clean, organize, and maintain their art supplies. And I just didn't have time to do it all!

In addition to helping me save time, teaching my boys how to take care of their art supplies is a valuable life lesson that I hope carries over into other areas of their lives. Being responsible, respectful, and conscientious are all qualities that I would like to instill. To help me do just that, I created these free printable homeschool art checklists for prep and clean-up for visual reminders.

You can make homeschool art easy with these free printable homeschool art classes checklists for prep & clean-up.

Free Printable Homeschool Art Classes Checklists for Prep & Clean-Up

These free printable homeschool art classes checklists include homeschool art:

  • Drawing ~ Prep
  • Drawing ~ Clean-Up
  • Painting ~ Prep
  • Painting ~ Clean-Up
  • Mixed Media ~ Prep
  • Mixed Media ~ Clean-Up

There are two checklists on one page (each checklist is a half-page) for a total of three pages. I left a bit of room on the bottom of the checklists for you to add custom materials for your homeschool art.

Suggested Use:  Laminate the checklists for durability and to reuse. Your kids can use a dry erase marker to check off what has been completed.

Prior to using these homeschool art classes checklists, show your kids each material and demonstrate proper care and storage. Alisha of Masterpiece Society Studio provides wonderful videos that include instructions and material recommendations.

To get your free printable homeschool art classes checklists, simply subscribe to Rock Your Homeschool. You will receive these printables in a PDF download in an email, along with a super secret password that opens the vault to all RYHS freebies. In addition to your freebies, you will be a weekly email with ways to rock your homeschool plus instant downloads to all new freebies.

(Psst! Current RYHS members just need to access the Subscriber Freebies page and enter the password in your welcome email. Or get the instant download in the email the week of this post)

Click HERE or on the image below to subscribe and make your homeschool art easy with these free printable checklists for clean-up and prep!

Make homeschool art time easy with these free checklists for prep and clean-up. Great resources to help your kids learn how to take care of their art supplies & build good habits.

How can these free homeschool art classes checklists help you make art time easier?

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