Let's Chat About Homeschool Foreign Languages Curriculum

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Let's chat about homeschool foreign languages curriculum is part of a Periscope & blog series dedicated to homeschoolers helping homeschoolers.


Foreign languages in our homeschool have been a challenging subject. Due to a variety of family changes, we just have not been consistent in our approach to teaching our boys foreign languages. Also, I have wavered back and forth between which of the foreign languages that I wanted to teach.

As Captain starts his 8th grade year, I know that it is time to get serious about choosing and using quality foreign languages curriculum. I would like to have a curriculum that is affordable and adaptable for use with a few of his younger brothers. Most importantly, I need a foreign languages curriculum that is easy for me to use (bonus points for one that my boys can use independently!)

I eagerly anticipated asking my Periscope friends and Rock Your Homeschool! Facebook group members for their recommendations and opinions on homeschool foreign languages curriculum. I knew that they would have great information and resources to share!

Before I get to their excellent recommendations, I would like to present an amazingly affordable and effective homeschool foreign language curriculum-Spanish For You!  Debbie Annett, creator of Spanish For You!, blessed each of my three older boys with a copy of Mi Vida! I encourage you to check out this simple and comprehensive Spanish curriculum for grades 3-8.

Spanish For You! is an excellent resource recommended in Let's Chat About Homeschool Foreign Languages Curriculum.

An awesome asset of Spanish For You! is that you have option of selecting lessons based on grade or your kids' experience with this foreign language. Loads of online resources and audio downloads supplement the workbook which is more like an ongoing resource! I loved having this workbook to refer back to when I needed reminded of a word or phrase. There are plenty of printable worksheets to give your kids (and you!) practice at learning Spanish.

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More Homeschool Foreign Languages Curriculum Recommendations!

Rosetta Stone:  This well-known foreign languages curriculum was recommended by several Periscope viewers for a variety of languages. I am excited to share that I will be sharing our review on Homeschool French very soon!

Speaking French With Miss Mason (and Spanish):  Emily stated that she will be using this Charlotte Mason approach to teaching and learning foreign languages. These materials from Cherrydale Press look fantastic! Please let us know if you have experience with it in the comments!

Song School Latin:  Lynna from Homeschooling Without Training Wheels

All-In-One Easy Peasy Homeschool:  I suggested this site for links to free foreign languages-including ASL (American Sign Language).

DuoLingo:  Another great free resource for learning foreign languages!

Mango:  Free resource with over 70 languages and cultural learning!

Rochelle Barlow:  Great resource for American Sign Language!! Also, Rochelle has an ASL Summer Camp going on right now!

Daisy from At Home French made the following recommendations. These resources look great!

The Learnables:  Wow! I was very impressed with how this curriculum presented foreign languages. It offers Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian, and ESL.

The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris:  Daisy wrote, "For the adults who might want some speedy language learning." I am going to look into this for myself!

Aw yeah! One of my favorite yet hardest homeschool subjects to teach-WRITING!!
Join us next Tuesday, July 12 around 3pm ET to chat about Homeschool Writing!!
So excited to hear your recommendations and tips!!

Let's chat about homeschool writing is part of a Periscope & blog series dedicated to homeschoolers helping homeschoolers.

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