
How To Create Your Own Perfect Homeschool

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Homeschooling can be one of the most rewarding experiences ever. In the next moment, it can feel like the most challenging thing you ever do. If you are anything like me, you have probably questioned yourself, or wondered if you were crazy for even entertaining the thought of homeschooling-let alone doing it!

Read recommendations from Karen from Making It As Mom for helping your create your own perfect homeschool. Part of 20 Days of Homeschooling Encouragement.

My name is Karen and I blog over at Making It As Mom about our large family, surviving on a budget, money saving tips, recipes we love like our favorite crock pot chicken,  and our homeschool experiences. We have 5 children ages 17 - 3 and all are girls except for our 11 year old son who we affectionately call our monkey in the middle as he is right in the middle of his 4 sisters.

Perhaps you worry that you don’t have the perfect homeschool room in your home, you are not the most organized person, or that you might screw your kids up by homeschooling them? I am here to tell you that you can succeed at homeschooling because it’s not as complicated as you may think it is.

Frequently, I hear parents talk about homeschooling. They don’t give themselves enough credit for what they can do. We somehow think that learning has to happen in a certain environment.

You don’t have to have a homeschool room in order to be successful at homeschooling. Learning happens in many environments-from our kitchen table, chilling in mommy’s room reading a book while snuggling, at the library, or even on a field trip to the zoo or arboretum.

The World Around Them=The Perfect Homeschool!

One of the reasons I started homeschooling our children was so that they could learn by experiencing the world around them, not just reading about it in a book or being told about it.

We have a desk in the corner of our TV room, one in each of the kids bedrooms, and another in our dining room. If I need to separate the kids for quiet work, they have several options.

By the Grace of God

Most days I am a hot mess! I love my kids with all my heart and I know I am intelligent. I also know I am naturally a total disorganized person.

How do I manage to homeschool? I have one simple answer and that is by the grace of God.

It’s that simple really. If you are called to do something, no matter how crazy it may seem at the time, God will equip you with all that you need!  Now that is AWESOME!!

If you are new to homeschooling or have been homeschooling for awhile but just want to organize things a bit more, I highly recommend you check out Kristi Clovers new program on organizing your homeschool.  It has literally been a game changer for us and I feel like I have some new tools to keep me on track! You can Find Kristi at her blog Raising Clovers.

Evaluate What is Working - and What isn't Working

Honestly, I am not a planner but I have a curriculum that I follow. There are so many options out there for many different styles! As a family, you will figure out what works best for your family. You are free to adjust things as needed.

In public schools every year, teachers and administrators evaluate what is working. They look at new programs and change things up, so it really is no different. There is no one perfect way to educate children.

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We Know What's Best for Our Children

As parents, we know our children better than anyone else! We have their best interests at heart. You teach them every day whether you know it or not. Since the moment your child came out of the womb, you have taught them!

Children learn by watching, listening, and imitating our behaviors and speech patterns. Teaching them at home as they get older is really a natural progression.

Your children learn everyday through experiencing life. Some of the most important lessons they learn will not come out of a text book. Relax, have fun with your children and give yourself some grace as you discover what works best for you and create your perfect homeschool!

For more homeschool encouragement and family life posts, visit Making It As Mom.

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