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Bee Life Cycle Activity for Diorama Fun and More (Free)

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This bee life cycle activity is brilliant for enjoying a mess-free science project and more.

The free printable pack includes everything you need to make a life cycle of a bee diorama. It can be used as a visual learning tool and in other ways for science fun.

I'm sharing my ideas and tips for creatively using this bee life cycle project with your students. Find out more and get your FREE set today!

RELATED: Enjoy more mess-free science activities with our FREE printable frog life cycle diorama kit.

Example of free printable bee life cycle activity for diorama project and more.

Simple 3D Way to Learn About the Life Cycle of a Bee

How do you help your kids learn about and understand something like the bee life cycle? Using a super fun 3D hands-on project!

Over the past 14 years or so of homeschooling my 5 boys, I've discovered that it's good to use a variety of resources and activities to really help your students grasp a concept. Books (especially with amazing photography or illustrations) are usually my go-to materials. Another incredibly helpful way to boost our learning fun has been with videos.

But, the best ways that my boys have mastered a concept is through hands-on learning. We've had a blast with things like our homemade playdough, cloud dough, and slime. And interactive and experiential activities, like Culinary Connections in our favorite homeschool geography, have taken our lessons to the next level.

As much as we love all of that hands-on fun, sometimes I just need a simple, mess-free activity. When my two younger boys started learning about the life cycle of a bee, I decided that this free printable diorama kit was the way to go!

RELATED: Enjoy more life cycle activities with our FREE apple tree life cycle diorama kit!

Example of bee life cycle diorama.

Learn About This Printable Mess-Free Science Kit

This free pack of bee life cycle printables includes three pages (plus one page of terms of use) for making a paper diorama. There are two background pages that serve as the base of the diorama. One background page is in color. The other page background page is in black-and-white to color and customize.

The third page includes the bee life cycle parts (in color and black-and-white) in cut-and-paste pieces. You'll find:

  • Bee Life Cycle diorama label
  • Egg
  • Larva
  • Pupa (two stages)
  • Adult
  • Bee Hive on tree branch
  • Flowers
Examples of free printable bee life cycle activity kit with diorama example.

How to Make This Printable Diorama Project

I recommend printing these pages on white cardstock. Your diorama will be more durable and easy to work with that way. Also, you may want to print out extra copies in case one of your students would like to make an extra diorama (or accidentally tears a tab.)

These materials are wonderful to have available as you create your diorama:

  • scissors
  • glue or gluestick
  • tape (or double-sided tape)
  • coloring tools (if using the black-and-white version) like:
    • crayons
    • color pencils
    • fine-tip markers

I prefer to make the diorama ahead of time. I find it easier for me to explain the steps to my boys. Also, I like to have an example to use as I demonstrate. It's also cool to hear their ideas of how they'd like to make their own diorama!

You can make this bee life cycle diorama as it is. OR use a box about the size of the diorama and place the pieces in there.

The steps to make this diorama that we took are:

  1. Print out diorama kit pages on white cardstock.
  2. Pick out which style to use (color or black-and-white).
  3. Color in the background and pieces (if necessary).
  4. Cut out the background and pieces.
  5. Assemble the background by folding in a forward direction at all dotted lines.
  6. Place glue on the front part of each tab.
  7. Fold in all sections and adhere the tabs.
  8. Use tape to reinforce the tabs if you find it necessary.
  9. Glue and attach the diorama pieces.
  10. Add glue to the tab of the label and attach the top of the diorama box.
Example of bee life cycle diorama kit with crayons, markers, scissors, and glue stick.

Creative Ideas for Making and Using These Printables

You can use these life cycle of a bee printables for interactive activities. Talk with your learners about the correct order of the various stages of the bee life cycle. Encourage your older students to point out and explain the steps to gain a better understanding of the process. Kidss can also draw or write what they've learned from this activity.

These books and videos are great for additional life cycle of a bee activities!

Life of a Honey Bee: A book about the life cycle of Honey Bees (Exploring Animal Life Cycles)Life of a Honey Bee: A book about the life cycle of Honey Bees (Exploring Animal Life Cycles)Safari Ltd. Life Cycle of a Honey Bee - Educational Toy Figurines - Miniature Bee Lifecycle Collection for Boys, Girls & Kids Age 4+Safari Ltd. Life Cycle of a Honey Bee - Educational Toy Figurines - Miniature Bee Lifecycle Collection for Boys, Girls & Kids Age 4+The Life Cycle of a Bee (Blastoff! Readers: Life Cycles)The Life Cycle of a Bee (Blastoff! Readers: Life Cycles)The Life and Times of the HoneybeeThe Life and Times of the Honeybee


Get Your Free Bee Life Cycle Activity Kit

WooHoo! I'm so happy that you're ready to have simple science fun with this diorama activity! It's a wonderful way to learn about the stages of the bee life cycle.

This FREE printable pack of bee life cycle diorama activities includes 3 pages (+ terms of use page).

You can print as many copies of these diorama printables for the stages of the life cycle of a frog as you need to enjoy with your homeschool, classroom, or co-op. If you have co-workers or friends who may like to use these free activities, please share this postThank you for your cooperation and sharing!

To get this FREE pack of bee life cycle printables, subscribe to Rock Your Homeschool with your email address.

You’ll receive an email with a PDF file plus a password to open the VIP Resource Library to all RYHS freebies. 

Also, you'll get emails with ideas, resources, and encouragement to make life and learning fun 🙂

(If you are already subscribed to Rock Your Homeschool, you just need to access the VIP Resource Library page and enter the password in your welcome email. Please email Amy at rockyourhomeschool@gmail.com if you have any questions.)

Get your Free Bee Life Cycle Printables Diorama Pack now!

Examples of free printable pages of bee life cycle activity and diorama.

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