10 Reasons You Will Love The New Rock Your Homeschool!

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Are you ready to Rock Your Homeschool!?

Raise your hand if you are done with feeling:

  • alone
  • overwhelmed
  • worried
  • in a rut
  • angry
  • tired
  • sad

(If you are pressed for time, scroll down to read 10 Reasons You Will Love The New Rock Your Homeschool! group. I took a short trip down memory lane here.)

Like I have said before and I'll say it again:  Homeschooling is a tremendous blessing. Homeschoolers have magnificent opportunities to learn and grow with their children. The gifts of time and family strength are incredible features of our homeschooling life.

Homeschooling, however, also can just feel like too much at times.

Depending on your personality type and location, you may feel isolated or misunderstood. Maybe you feel called to homeschool but have no idea where to begin or how you will do it all?

I am here to tell you that you are not alone! Through Periscope and other social media, I have made true connections with other homeschoolers that have lifted me up. These fellow homeschoolers understand what I am going through and have the answers I need when I feel like I am going to lose my mind.

Last Spring, I was a point where I thought we were going to have to give up homeschooling. I was tired. I was overwhelmed with chasing a toddler while homeschooling his 4 older brothers. I felt so alone and like no one understood what I was going through..

I was afraid to talk to local friends and family for fear that they wouldn't understand. I did not want them to tell me to take the easy route and send the boys to public school. I did not want to look like a failure.

I prayed and prayed-and then prayed some more! As with all things, I asked God to lead me, to show me the way. If homeschooling was the path for my family, I asked God to please put others in my life to help.

And then I found Dr. Melanie Wilson.

Melanie, founder of Psycho With 6 and author of The Organized Homeschool Life and Grammar Galaxy (in addition to other titles), was the light at the end of the tunnel. Melanie had a similar background in her work as a Christian psychologist and having 5 boys (plus 1 girl!).

Her greatest gift to me-and the homeschooling community-was founding Homeschool Scopes, an amazing Facebook group for homeschoolers on Periscope. This group was the solution to all that I sought!

I have found best friends, companionship, help, guidance, and love. Homeschool Scopes has helped my confidence level as a homeschooler rise to heights I never deemed possible. There are no words for how grateful I am for this group of homeschool ladies who take time out of their busy lives to share pieces of themselves with our group. This wisdom, understanding, and kindness found in Homeschool Scopes has just blown me away.

When Melanie asked me to be an admin of Homeschool Scopes, I did one of the biggest happy dances of my life. What an honor-to help her with the group that I have come to love so!

Around that time, I started doing weekday Periscope broadcasts around 8am ET. I called the show Rock Your Homeschool!, hoping to bring joy and a positive outlook to the mornings of other homeschoolers.

Rock Your Homeschool! has been simply awesome! I never dreamed that I would be able to make so many homechool friends and connections through this morning scope. The energy and atmosphere of our morning chats wakes me up and keeps me going throughout my homechool day.

Part of the fun of Rock Your Homeschool! is our fun conversations about homeschooling-and pretty much all aspects of life! I wanted a place to continue the fun-and build off of that excitement!

10 Reasons You Will Love The New Rock Your Homeschool! Group

  1. Community:  Come and find your tribe! Find homeschoolers to connect with. Form new friendships.
  2. Encouragement:  I'm a bit of an encourager. I truly believe in lifting others up in all areas of their lives. Homeschooling is an area where we all need encouragment-and I want to do that for you!
  3. Support:  Find answers to your homeschooling questions. Check in with our group on daily threads. Find other homeschoolers who have been there, done that.
  4. Motivation:  I know all too well what it feels like when you are stuck in a run, tired, and overwhelmed. Rock Your Homeschool! will have weekly challenges to help you add a boost to your homeschool life.
  5. Inspiration:  RYHS will be a place share inspiring homeschool quotes, resources, and memes (gotta love those!).
  6. Weekly Challenges:  Let's work together on weekly challenges that will motivate and encourage us to approach our homeschool lives in positive ways. We will share our homeschool wins and help each other through obstacles that may arise.
  7. Q & A:  At least once a week, I will post a Q & A thread for all RYHS members to ask any homeschooling question. Of course, members will be encouraged to ask their questions whenever necessary.
  8. Giveaways & Parties:  I love a good giveaway. I love a great party even more. We are going to have a ton of fun with both!
  9. Special Day:  If you are a RYHS show follower, you know that I like to share special National Holidays (like Hug Your Cat day). These days can be fun ways to add a bit of pizzazz to your homeschool. We will continue the discussion of how to apply in your homeschool and more in our Rock Your Homeschool! Facebook group.
  10.  FUN!:  I am a true believer that homeschooling should be fun. Homeschoolers have a lot on their plates-let serve it up with some silly from time to time! RYHS! group will be a place to share homeschool humor. Also, it will be a place to share about your hobbies, passions, and, of course, COFFEE!

So, now you know why you just have to join Rock Your Homechool! Facebook group. To join in the fun, check out our group & let's get started!


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