
Find Focus & Maintain Vision with a Homeschool Word of the Year

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Discover how a homeschool word of the year can help you find focus and maintain your vision this year. Get tips and a free printable guide to show you how to get started with this positive practice. (Plus, find out our 2019 Homeschool Word of the Year and share your own!)

Discover how the positive practice of using a homeschool word of the year can help you find focus & maintain your vision this year.


"In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision." ~Dalai Lama

Homeschool Word of the Year.

Have you ever chosen one before? If so, was it a successful process that you were able to carry out throughout your homeschool year?

If you haven't had a Homeschool Word of the Year, what stopped you? New to the concept? Or more like "I don't have time for that and it would do no good anyway"?

I've been in both places. When I first heard of a Homeschool Word of the Year, I thought, Isn't it hard enough to plan lessons and maintain records?

After a chat with some homeschool friends, I gave it a go. I figured it couldn't hurt to have a Homeschool Word of the Year. It might even be a fun activity that I could do with my boys.

Unfortunately, most of those words never stuck. Sure, they floated around our homeschool area, bobbing up and down and usually out of reach.

Because I have a tendency to squirrel. I'm one of those types whose brain gets full of 553 ideas and ways to rock my homeschool every day. Also, I tend to have a short-term memory when it comes to activities like this. Kind of like an overly enthusiastic puppy who bounces from new toy to a bone in about 7 seconds flat.

Yet, I knew there had to be good reasons why my friends were selecting and using homeschool words of the year. Therefore, I created this free guide to Homeschool Word of the Year Challenge to help us reap the benefits of this positive practice.


2019 in wood number shape typeset and blonde woman wearing a pink plaid shirt and holding binoculars as she looks up with a light blue sky background

What is a Homeschool Word of the Year Challenge?

As the New Year approached, I found myself searching for a new Word of the Year. I've been working on my homeschool goals, as well as preparing my Journal for Finding Your Homeschool Groove.

As I worked on these activities to boost my homeschool, I conducted a casual analysis of my strengths and weaknesses. I tend to get distracted and lose my focus. A new shiny curriculum comes along and I pounce on it. A struggle arises in my homeschool and I think, "Time to shift things around a bit!"

What was lacking in my homeschool words of the year in the past?  No accountability and superficial word choices.

The homeschool words of the year that I had chosen before all sounded nice and looked great on paper. But, they had no real meaning to me or the growth of my homeschool.

I needed a plan to determine the ideal Word of the Year. A deliberate plan, not just a few seconds without a true evaluation of our homeschool needs and wants.

Pen to paper, I jotted down my ideas and thoughts. In doing so, I created this guide for finding the right Word of the Year for our homeschool.

[bctt tweet="#Free Guide to #Homeschool Word of the Year Challenge. 2019 is going to ROCK! #ihsnet" username="rockyourhs"]

You'll find these activities helpful in solidifying your vision and Homeschool Word of the Year.

You can take as long as you need to work each step.  This challenge is about helping YOU find your vision and maintain your homeschool focus.

Sketch of the year 2020 with rainbow target & green arrow in center and woman\'s hands in shape of rectangular frame to demonstrate how using a Homeschool Word of the Year can help find focus & maintain vision

2020 Update for Our Homeschool Word of the Year!

Once again, my boys and I worked together to pick a homeschool word of the year for 2020. As the boys get older and our schedule becomes full of activities and events, I'm finding it very helpful to include all of the boys in this thought process. This type of teamwork helps our homeschool flow and grow.

Our 2019 homeschool word of the year was TEAM.

This word served us well. We focused on our individual roles and how we could work together to make our homeschool flow.

The boys and I plan on continuing our teamwork approach. It's become such a natural part of how our homeschool functions 🙂

Our 2020 homeschool word of the year is GROWTH.

We will strive to grow as individuals and as a homeschool family. We want to be open to possibilities and learning new things.

The boys and I know that 2020 will be a big year for us. Each of us will have challenges that we want to use as opportunities for growth. 

  • Captain (17):  Entering his senior year, he will be competing in his last year of soccer. Captain plans on exploring trade careers, starting his training, and getting his driver's license.
  • Professor (14):  With his first year of high school under his belt, Professor will continue his high school studies with the goal of attending college. Playing on the local high school soccer team with big brother and on a very competitive club team, Professor has personal goals for improving his level of play. Overall, he wants to work on self-confidence and time management.
  • Smiley (10):  This boy with a huge heart will add volunteer work to his list of activities. His #1 homeschool goal for 2020 is "become best friends with writing" (which he says is his archnemesis now). 
  • Bear (8):  This creative boy will be working on ways to raise money for his favorite creature, the blobfish. His love of animals will be the driving factor behind his pursuit of biology and environmental studies.
  • Xman (5):  Our little go-getter is determined to master reading. He will also be Bear's research assistant.
  • Mom (Age available upon request 😉 ):  My #1 goal is to be present for these amazing 5 boys. I will serve as their guide, helping them through life's ups and downs. To help all of us grow, I'm working on some fun activities and unit studies to boost our learning fun adventures.


What will YOUR 2020 Homeschool Word of the Year be?
Grab this free guide and come back to let us know in the comments area!


Find focus and maintain vision with a Homeschool Word of the Year! This free guide contains tools & tips to help you identify & benefit from using a homeschool word of the year.

Get Your Free Guide to Homeschool Word of the Year Challenge

This free printable guide includes instant downloads to Rock Your Homeschool resources that will boost your Homeschool Word of the Year quest.

To get your free guide to Homeschool Word of the Year Challenge, simply subscribe to Rock Your Homeschool. You will receive a link to this guide (which will be in PDF form) in an email, along with a super secret password that opens the vault to all RYHS freebies. In addition to your freebies, you will be a weekly email with ways to rock your homeschool plus instant downloads to all new freebies.

(Psst! Current RYHS members just need to access the Subscriber Freebies page and enter the password in your welcome email. Or get the instant download in the email the week of this post)

Click HERE or on the image below to subscribe and get started on determining your homeschool word of the year!

You can find focus & maintain vision in your homeschooling adventures with this free guide to Homeschool Word of the Year Challenge.

This guide is particularly helpful at the start of a new year. Some homeschoolers might find it helpful to use this guide before starting a new homeschool year. But, you can use it at any time!

I'd love for you to come back here and share what Homeschool Word of the Year you select!
Share your word in the comments below 🙂 

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