
How to Find Your Homeschool Groove with a Journal

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Discover how you can find your homeschool groove using a journal. Get tips, tricks, and motivation to record your thoughts, feelings, & goals towards optimizing your homeschool adventures. Includes free printable pack with monthly themes, weekly prompts, & inspirational quotes to help you get started.


Are you ready to rock your homeschool in 2018 (and beyond?)  Do you want to work on developing personal, family, and homeschool growth? Looking for some guidance on how you can customize your homeschool experience while having an amazing learning adventure?

Well, my dear homeschool friend, you are in the right place! I am so super duper excited to share this free printable journal with monthly themes and weekly prompts to help you boost your homeschool journey. This resource will be an invaluable tool in guiding you through the process of using your unique talents and personality to rock your homeschool.

If you are looking for a simple and affordable way to cultivate personal, family, & homeschool growth, this free printable Journal for Finding Your Homeschool Groove is what you want. With monthly themes and weekly prompts plus an introduction to effective journal keeping, this resource will help you rock your homeschool-and beyond!

The idea for this journal grew from a few seeds planted during my chats with homeschool mom friends in my Rock Your Homeschool Facebook group. One of the underlying themes in these conversations is what each homeschooler can do to optimize their homeschool life.

I am often asked for advice and resource recommendations based on specific situations. While I love giving my two cents and listening to what other homeschoolers have to advise, I truly believe that every homeschooler, homeschool, and family is unique. I can spout off for days about what I think would work best for your homeschool. Ultimately, the only one who can discover what will be effective is YOU!

Also, as I look ahead to 2018 and beyond, I realize that I want to grow as a homeschooler. I want to figure out what my homeschool needs, set goals, and work towards achieving them. I want to determine the needs of each of my boys and how I can create an atmosphere to make it happen. Furthermore, I want to tap my unique personality and abilities, as well as help my boys do the same.

Basically, I want to rock my homeschool and bring it to the next level.

And I thought that you might want to find your homeschool groove, too!

Journaling can be a powerful experience to help you and your homeschool grow! Use this free printable pack of monthly themes, weekly prompts, & inspirational quotes to get started.

Why Use A Journal To Find Your Homeschool Groove?

I tossed and turned over how I can work on my homeschool goals and hopes. I mean, there are only so many hours in the day, so many days in a week, so many weeks in a month. My schedule is filled to the brim with homeschool, blogging, home management, family life, church, and competitive soccer for my two older boys. What could I do to contemplate areas that need attention in our homeschool and family? How could I set and achieve homeschool goals in a realistic and timely way?

As a homeschooler, you know that there are many demands on your time. You want to work on self-growth, connection with your kids, and finding the most successful homeschool path for your family. I am suggesting that a homeschooler journal can help you with all of those tasks. But, you are probably telling yourself, "Well, a journal sounds awesome but I don't have time for it!"

Guess what? You most definitely have time for this homeschool mom journal with weekly prompts. You do have time to think about and create a custom plan for achieving the homeschool of your dreams.

And you will only need around ten minutes a week!

Too easy? No way that you can make significant progress in only ten minutes a week?

Take it from me, a former mental health therapist turned homeschool soccer mom. I know busy, I live busy, I am busy. I completely understand what it means to feel like you have no time. I also know the importance of taking time for self-reflection and self-care.

I would not suggest that you use this journal to find your homeschool groove unless I knew that:

  • You DO have time to complete these writing prompts.
  • You CAN customize and optimize your homeschool life.
  • You ARE ENOUGH and have everything it takes (and more!) to homeschool your kids.
  • You WILL GROW with meaningful results for your family, your homeschool, and yourself.
  • You ARE WORTHY of taking time for self-reflection and discovering your unique potential.
  • You WANT to discover the best path for your homeschool and yourself.

**It is not my intention to sound like an infomercial or spammy. I truly do believe that you have everything that it takes to effectively homeschool your kids. I just get a bit cheerleaderish (which is ironic because this former soccer player never touched a pompom!) in my desire to help other homeschoolers unlock their potential.

This free printable pack for homeschool moms to journal about monthly themes, weekly prompts, and inspirational quotes can get you started on finding your homeschool groove!

Free Printable Journal To Find Your Homeschool Groove

This resource was designed for you and me. A tool that is both time and cost-effective is necessary for homeschoolers to use and benefit from it.

Your free printable Journal To Find Your Homeschool Groove includes:

  • Introduction to this journal plus invaluable tips on how to start and maintain an effective journal
  • Monthly themes with personal, family, and homeschool topics
  • Weekly prompts to help you dig deeper into each theme
  • Points to ponder, as you think and write about each prompt
  • Inspirational quote each month to motivate and encourage
  • Flexibility to use journal in the order that you need

These themes are often common areas that homeschoolers seek help. I will also be addressing many of these topics in posts here on Rock Your Homeschool.

I should note that not all topics are particularly homeschool-based. I believe that homeschooling is a lifestyle. If you are experiencing struggle in one area of your life, it will inevitably carry over into other areas, including your homeschool. This journal will help you pinpoint troublesome areas and what you can do to overcome them.


Want to rock your homeschool this year? Use this free printable Journal for Finding Your Homeschool Groove with monthly themes and weekly prompts to help you customize your homeschool experience.


How can this journal help you?


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