Work With Amy!

Work With Me! In addition to learning more about partnering with Rock Your Homeschool, Amy works as a virtual assistant. Find out more about her services and how you can get the professional help you need.

Work With Me!

Sometimes, it helps to have someone who gets it to chat with and give advice, you know? Someone who's a bit farther down the path and has experience in using positive, creative, and fun ways to approach your situation 🙂

If you're a homeschool mom and feel that you could benefit from one-on-one coaching, I'd love to help you with:

  • Getting a relaxed & positive start to homeschooling
  • Deschooling for a peaceful transition from public school to homeschooling
  • Learning how to apply positive living principles to your homeschool life, with an emphasis on positive thinking & feeling techniques
  • Become a more focused & fun homeschool mom

Please contact Amy at for more details and to discuss your needs as a homeschool mom.

Partner with Rock Your Homeschool!

If you are interested in partnering with Rock Your Homeschool, please visit our Partner With Rock Your Homeschool! page. You will find our advertising rates, as well as available services and costs.