
Learn & Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers Review

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Learn and Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers is an amazing program created by Michelle of Homeschool Your Boys. This experience homeschool mom shares her effective & affordable approach to home educating little ones. Her multi-sensory activities are fabulous for different learning styles and ages.

When you hear that I am a homeschool soccer mom to 5 boys, you probably think that this lady knows what she is doing (and just a bit nuts!). You might think that homeschooling preschool would be a cake walk for me, right? After raising and teaching four older brothers, I should have this homeschool preschool thing down pat. Toddler time should be a breeze, correct?

Well, my friend, I hate to tell you this, but you would be wrong-very wrong!

Xman (2) is quite active. Okay, that is probably the understatement of the year! The boy is into everything! He is a mix of Jack Jack from The Incredibles, Bam Bam from The Flintstones, and Godzilla. I have found this interesting combination in my youngest boy to be a challenge during our homeschool and family time.

Learn and Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers is a fantastic way to bring learning fun to your home. Toddlers and preschoolers will love these engaging and effective ideas for learning letters, numbers, shapes, colors, & more! Parents will love the organization and thoroughness of this affordable program.
Xman, our littlest busy boy! Here he having fun with apples in lesson 1 of Learn & Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers.

I found myself in the odd situation of feeling like I am twirling in a whirlwind yet fixated in cement, helpless with what to do with this wild child. As I try to sit and teach an older brother a reading lesson or work on a science project with the Brigade, Xman may be attempting to scale our refrigerator like Spiderman in pursuit of a tasty treat (or just as an obstacle to be overcome). Another favorite activity is to find a typical toddler or preschool toy and dismantle it to see how it works.

After discussing this predicament with Coach, he suggested that I start to work one-on-one with Xman. I did this type of work with his older brothers, why not him? Honestly, I felt my schedule was a bit cramped to find time to plan and execute effective hands-on type activities with Xman.  Plus, my homeschool philosophy has evolved over the years. I did not want anything too structured at this age.

Coach made a good point. Maybe Xman would be more cooperative and "contained" during our homeschool time if I worked with him prior to our homeschool morning time? I had to agree but wasn't sure when I was going to plan all of this out.

Learn and Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers is a fantastic way to bring learning fun to your home. Toddlers and preschoolers will love these engaging and effective ideas for learning letters, numbers, shapes, colors, & more! Parents will love the organization and thoroughness of this affordable program.
Xman is ready to paint! Learn & Grow is filled with fantastic ideas on how to help your active preschooler become engaged in learning fun.

Learn & Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers

My friend, Michelle of Homeschool Your Boys, came to my rescue! She has been there-done that with active preschoolers. She has homeschooled her two boys who are now high school ages.

During their early years, Michelle created an amazing preschool curriculum for use in the home. Her thorough program is a fantastic and frugal approach to helping your child learn & grow at home. Lessons are packed with hands-on activities, as well as book suggestions and ideas for multi-sensory learning.

[bctt tweet="Learn & Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers Review @Homeschoolbys #ihsnet" username="busyboysbrigdade"]

Michelle provides a wonderful introduction which explains her approach to teaching this age group. Also, she encourages you to focus on your child and take your time to cultivate a love of learning. A reminder to be flexible in your daily schedule of activities, as well as how you plan your week, was another great help to me.

Here are just a few of the reasons why I have found this curriculum for active preschoolers to be invaluable:

  • Daily lessons are provided for each weekday
  • 26 weeks of themed lessons
  • Over 700 individual, fully-planned activities
  • Focus on letters of alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors
  • Most activities entail common household items (a.k.a. do not cost a lot!)
  • All-inclusive program incorporates English, math, science, & more. No need for a additional resources!
  • Available in paperback and Kindle versions

Learn and Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers is a fantastic way to bring learning fun to your home. Toddlers and preschoolers will love these engaging and effective ideas for learning letters, numbers, shapes, colors, & more! Parents will love the organization and thoroughness of this affordable program.
Xman was excited to open the bottle of brown paint but hesitant to use on his own hand. He loved painting Mommy's hand!



Learn and Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers is a fantastic way to bring learning fun to your home. Toddlers and preschoolers will love these engaging and effective ideas for learning letters, numbers, shapes, colors, & more! Parents will love the organization and thoroughness of this affordable program.
After painting Mommy's hand, Xman found the courage to paint his own hand-and more! Learn & Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers is such an encouraging & flexible program!


Learn and Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers is a fantastic way to bring learning fun to your home. Toddlers and preschoolers will love these engaging and effective ideas for learning letters, numbers, shapes, colors, & more! Parents will love the organization and thoroughness of this affordable program.
After our Learn & Grow lesson about the color red & apples, Xman actually sat down long enough to do a craft!


brown paint handprints with apple cut-outs
Xman's apple tree handprint.

Personally, I feel that these hands-on lessons for active preschoolers could span over at least two years. Michelle has truly outdone herself! With starting to use this homeschool preschool curriculum during his toddler years, I find that I do the simpler activities (like finger painting) now. I will revisit this program after a few weeks break when we have cycled through and resume with the higher level activities (like cutting with scissors).

The simpler activities are great ways to work with and encourage your child to build fine and gross motor skills. I find at age 2 that Xman does well with only one or two activities at a time. I will save the additional activities for when he is a bit older.

little boy with red bowls and red and green balls
Xman celebrating after a successful "apple toss".

I highly encourage you to check out Learn & Grow: Hands-On Lessons For Active Preschoolers. As a busy mom, I do not have the time to put together these types of lessons in such a thorough fashion. Plus, I want to spend as much time with my boys-not planning and coordinating.

Learn & Grow: Hands-On Lessons for Active Preschoolers is a fantastic way to give your kids a quality preschool education at home.

Fortunately, Michelle of Homeschool Your Boys has done the work for us-and done it very well!  Momma to lil' ones, relax and enjoy your kids! Use Learn & Grow: Hands-On Lessons for Active Preschoolers to put your mind at ease. You will be using a resource crafted from the hands of an experienced homeschooler. You will have at your finger tips numerous ways to home educate your preschooler so both of you more fully enjoy the experience.


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