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Let's Chat About Homeschool Math

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Let's chat about homeschool math is a Periscope & blog series dedicated to homeschoolers helping homeschoolers.

Homeschool math is one of my very favorite subjects to teach (I know-I'm so weird!)  There are so many amazing homeschol math curriculum programs out there. Online, textbook, hands on learning-so many great options to learn about and use.

What homeschool math curricula have you used and recommend?  I truly believe that the best sources for information about homeschool curricula is from homeschoolers themselves! I designed this Periscope and blog series to have homeschoolers unite and share their experiences with a variety of homeschool curricula.

Let’s Chat About Homeschool Math is part of a Periscope & blog series for homeschoolers helping homeschoolers. Once a week, a homeschool subject area will be discussed with curricula resources and recommendations given. You can learn more details and subjects by scrolling down.

We have tried a few different homeschool math curriculum since beginning our homeschool journey five years ago. My two older boys have been our guinea pigs, poor things. (Do you ever feel like that with your older kids? I keep telling myself that they will be fine but geesh!)

We started off with Saxon Math because it came highly recommended. It is an amazingly thorough program, but not for us. My boys were overwhelmed with the number of problems (yes, I have been told to have them only do odds or evens but just seeing all those problems on one page was just too much.)  They also were unfamiliar with the spiral approach to math and I had a newborn. Not good timing for Saxon Math!

A few of the other homeschool math curricula that we tried are recommendations listed below. Although I think all of these math programs are great, they just weren't the right fit for my kids.

For homeschool math, I recommend that you do a thorough research of the curricula that you think might work. Read these recommendations and ask homeschool friends. Come on over to Rock Your Homeschool! Facebook group and ask your questions there, too!

Let's chat about homeschool math is part of a Periscope & blog series dedicated to homeschoolers helping homeschoolers.

Homeschool Math Curriculum Recommendations

Thanks to my Periscope friends and members of Rock Your Homeschool! Facebook for their wonderful input and recommendations. Check out these homeschool math curricula-and make sure to add your own in the comments!

My Personal Homeschool Math Recommendations:

Life of Fred Elementary Math:  We love Fred! I have shared our lesson extensions for Life of Fred Butterflies (the second book in this series). I am working on lesson extensions for each of the LOF books-stay tuned! You can read more about why we love these math books in my reviews and series.

Life of Fred Intermediate Math:  My two older boys have worked through this series. Great continuation of the LOF elementary series! I shared about our Life of Fred Intermediate Math.

CTC Math:  This online math program for levels K-Trigonometry is rocking our homeschool-in a good way! Smiley (7) and Bear (5) are using this homeschool math curriculum with great success. Short video lessons are followed by practice problems that solidify the information. For more information, watch my scope where I hosted a CTC Math Periscope hop (and make sure to watch the other scopers who came after me-fantastic information for using with accountability, ADD/ADHD, and multiple kids).

Family Math:  We have used this book off and on in our homeschool. Created for use with grades K-8, it offers a lot of great hands-on math learning activities for the whole family. I bought the book off Amazon for a steal-and have been very happy to add it to our homeschool library for inspiration and lessons.

Key To...series:  We have a few of these student workbooks that I found for a great price used. I like using these books for review and reinforcement of concepts that my boys might not full comprehend.

Recommendations From Other Homeschoolers:

Bedtime Math:  Amanda from Raising daVinci shared the books from this series. A Fun Excuse To Stay Up Late, This Time It's Personal, andThe Truth Comes Out are three titles that she shared. I was reminded of the free Bedtime Math app that we have used off and on throughout our homeschool Morning Gathering time.

Math-U-See:  Amanda also recommends this homeschool math for its hand-on and engaging lessons.

Kumon Workbooks:  Amy shared how much they have found these math workbooks to be helpful and affordable. I found a variety of these workbooks available on Amazon.

Christian Light Education:  Shanna from Raising 3 In Tennessee recommends these books for their affordability and "getting the job done!" I have not investigated this homeschool math curiculum before-but I will be sure to do so now!

MEP:  Dawn at Lady Dusk highly recommends this free homeschool math program. Math Enhancement Programme is "challenging" and thorough.

Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics: Teachers' Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics in China and the United States:  Dawn also recommends this book by Liping Ma. Looks very interesting-adding to my wishlist!

Redbirth Math:  Nadine of Up Above The Rowan Tree said that one of her kids used this math. I would love to read more about it-share in comments if you have used!

Beast Academy:  Dustie shared that this comic book based homeschool math. I just know that my boys would love this type of math! Looking forward to learning more about it, especially as more levels become available.

Math Mammoth:  Kristi is using this homeschool math with her son. She says, "it gets the job done!" I have used a few of the review workbooks during our summer breaks. Affordable, solid math!

Khan Academy:  Lynna of Homeschooling Without Training Wheels shared that she uses this free online math with her older kids. She did an excellent scope outlining tips and ways to use. I highly encourage you to follow her on Periscope-she said she plans on doing more scopes about Khan Academy!

Free Math Program:  Domonick shared this free online math program for grades 1-5. It looks really good and easy for parents to use.

Life of Fred:  Dachelle of Hide The Chocolate shared her review of our favorite math! Dachelle also shared Math: A Four-Letter Word that is full of incredible math resources to use in your homeschool.

Saxon Math:  Melissa of Soaring Arrows wrote, "It is super hands on for the k-3 grades and my kids love all the meeting time activities.

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