Homeschool Tips and Ideas

Get tips and ideas that will help you rock your homeschool! You'll find hacks to make it easier and more enjoyable for all.

Homeschool field trip ideas, planner, & activities to feature how you can use this free printable pack for amazing homeschool field trips
Homeschool | Relaxed and Fun | Tips and Ideas

Homeschool Field Trip Ideas for Fantastic Learning Fun (Free List & More)

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting! These homeschool field trip ideas, planner page, and resources will help your special outings shine. Get inspiration on creative field trip ideas plus two ways to extend the learning fun. Use these resources plus tips and tricks to make your homeschool...

You can still enjoy homeschooling despite an erratic schedule. Find tips & resources to help you successfully homeschool even if your homeschool life is busy. #homeschooling #homeschoolhelp #homeschoolschedule
Homeschool | Relaxed and Fun | Tips and Ideas

How to Enjoy Your Homeschool When You Have an Erratic Schedule

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting!   Homeschooling doesn't always fit in a cookie cutter. Neither does life 😉 An erratic schedule can cause your homeschool adventures to bounce all around. Find out how you can still make homeschooling work (and enjoy it) despite an erratic schedule....

Homeschool life can get busy! Appointments, extracurricular activities, and practices can quickly fill your calendar. Instead of getting overwhelmed & stressed, take your homeschool on the road! Get tips from a busy homeschool soccer mom on how to use these fun & easy ways to homeschool on-the-go & still be able to look back on your day with a smile.
Homeschool | Relaxed and Fun | Tips and Ideas

Fun & Easy Ways to Homeschool On-The-Go

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting! When you homeschool on-the-go, you save precious time as you make sure homeschooling happens. Life doesn't always fit perfectly into cookie cutters. Homeschooling on-the-go helps you be smart about using your time so you can feel less stress and enjoy more...

Find out more about these 100 ways to add fun to your homeschool day. Great tips & resources to help you rock your homeschool!
Homeschool | Moms | Relaxed and Fun | Tips and Ideas

100 Ways to Have a Fun Homeschool Day

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting! There are so many ways to have a fun homeschool day!  Homeschooling provides you with the opportunity to be flexible and creative. It also gives you the chance to add touches of fun throughout your homeschool day. When learning fun happens,...

Chalkboard with paper airplane and blue notebook & colorful pencils & paper clips & black analog clock to feature how these secrets can help you make smooth homeschool transitions
Homeschool | Relaxed and Fun | Tips and Ideas

How to Make Smooth Homeschool Transitions

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting!   I'm sharing a few of my secrets on how my boys and I make smooth homeschool transitions. These tips and tricks work for both your kids and yourself. With a bit of planning and preparation, you can optimize your homeschool...

Wonder if adding fun to your homeschool is important? Learn more about homeschool fun, why it's important, and these 101 reasons to get started today.
Homeschool | Relaxed and Fun | Tips and Ideas

101 Reasons to Add Homeschool Fun to Your Day

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting!   Does the thought of adding homeschool fun to your day sound nice but overwhelming? Or maybe you wonder if homeschool fun is just "fluff" and you don't have time for it? Well, let me reassure you that homeschool fun doesn't...

Find out how you can easily make homeschooling fun with these tips, tricks, & resources.
Homeschool | Relaxed and Fun | Tips and Ideas

How to Easily Make Homeschooling Fun

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting!   When you started homeschooling, how did you envision it?  Did you picture shared moments of learning fun with your kids? Maybe you saw academics supplemented with fun activities and projects? Did you picture shared moments of learning fun with your...

Woman holding colorful paper chain with markers in background.
Homeschool | Relaxed and Fun | Tips and Ideas

How to Use Paper Chains for Greater Focus in Your Homeschool

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting! Did you know that paper chains can be used in so many ways to boost your homeschool experience? My boys absolutely love using a paper chain as a countdown for special occasions, holidays, or vacations. We've made these frugal tools for...

Here's help for those high energy days in your homeschool! 10 indoor and outdoor activities that will help your kids burn off that energy!
Homeschool | Relaxed and Fun | Tips and Ideas

10 Ways To Help Kids Burn Off Energy In Your Homeschool

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting!   My five boys are busy. When I say that they are busy, it is said in a loving yet awe-struck tone. I thought I knew what busy meant. And then I had five boys. Five curious, inventive, and imaginative boys. Five...