
10 Powerful Reasons You & Your Kids Will Love BookShark Science

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BookShark Science is a complete game changer for your homeschool.

If you've been trying to make homeschool science happen but it keeps falling through the cracks, your struggle can now be over.

Find out how the new packages with different levels can help you easily enjoy science fun with hands-on activities, experiments, and more.

Check out these 10 reasons why you and your kids will love BookShark Science. These curriculum packages are powerful ways to enjoy hands-on learning with your kids.

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free and was compensated for my time. As always, I’m sharing my honest opinions and was not required to provide a positive review.

Does Homeschool Science Puzzle You?

Do you ever feel like you're missing a piece of the homeschool science puzzle?

If so, you're definitely not alone!

Although many homeschoolers love science (so many cool concepts and opportunities to think outside the box!), it's a subject that tends to get put on the back burner.

You may have the best of intentions of completing your homeschool science lessons and activities for the week but...life.

Why is that?

Well, to effectively teach science at home, you have quite a few pieces to gather and arrange so your students can see and understand the whole picture, like:

  • Curriculum
  • OR research and buy (or keep your fingers-crossed that the book you need will be available at your library when you need it)
  • Hands-on activities
  • Experiments
  • Supplies for both of the above
  • Organization and storage for all of it!

Oh, and then you need to factor in things like:

BookShark Science Level F package with Instructor's Guide, Discover & Do science supplies kit, and books to feature the 10 reasons you and your kids will love this literature-based approach to homeschool science

Homeschool Science Doesn't Have to be Scary or a Struggle

When we began our homeschool adventures, the thing that I was most intimidated to take on was science.

Not wrangling all my boys. Not figuring out curriculum. And not certainly not math. Total math geek here!

For several reasons, I was petrified of science.

First, I was peppered with questions from well-intentioned outsiders. The question that had me freaking out the most was: "How can you expect to do all the lessons and experiments? It's not like you can have a chemistry lab in your house!" Actually, I discovered that you can but I'll save that tip for another post 😉

Another reason was: How would I manage to successfully teach science to different ages and stages? At the time, I had kids ranging from newborn to middle school. That's a lot of science (and other subjects) to get through with only 24 hours in a day!

Also, I didn't feel confident teaching science. Although I love learning about certain parts (biology and dissection are so cool!), I don't care for other branches of science (physics puts me in a tailspin).

Finally, I worried about how our one-income family could afford science curriculum and supplies for different levels. I figured that I'd just have to DIY homeschool science.

Side note: DIY did NOT save us money or time! Library fines, simple supplies, and last-minute runs to the store (because I couldn't find the stuff we needed when it was time for an experiment) were ridiculous.

Oh, and remember those homeschool science puzzle pieces? Well, I'd get a few figured out only to realize that others were broken or missing. It NEVER felt like our homeschool science was working.

Tired of all that struggle, I looked for a way to enjoy homeschool science with my boys AND save money, time, energy, and my sanity.

The solution: BookShark Science packages.

Boy with BookShark Science books and supplies and BookShark Science Level F package and catapult made out of popsicle sticks and rubber bands to feature the 10 reasons why you'll love these homeschool science curriculum packages for hands-on learning fun

5 Reasons Why YOU Will Love BookShark Science

Before looking at why your kids will love BookShark Science, check out these reasons why you'll love it. Let's face it - if you're excited about a curriculum, your kids will pick up on that and it'll have a positive effect on their attitude.

To put it simply, BookShark Science works for you. And here are 5 ways it does:

1. Open-and-go

With BookShark Science packages, all of the planning is done for you.

2. Complete

You also get everything you need to easily get started with a BookShark Science package. Each package comes with:

  • curriculum
  • instructor's guide
  • activity sheets (awesome for your homeschool portfolios!)
  • experiments paper packet
  • science supplies kit

3. Instructor's Guide

Oh my stars! You'll want to hug it! My eyes filled with tears of joy when I first saw a BookShark Science Instructor's Guides. So simple yet comprehensive!

With easy-to-use weekly plans AND reminders for the week ahead, you only need a few minutes to be ready for science fun.

4. Levels can be used with multiple ages

I had to let this one sink in for a bit. But, when it did, it felt glorious!

Yes, you can absolutely use a BookShark Science Level package with different ages (grades). In fact, I'm doing just that with my 3 younger boys. Read on to find out more about the available Levels and how we're doing it.

5. Lightens your load

BookShark Science takes some of the weight of homeschooling off your shoulders.

The stress and overwhelm of how to make homeschool science happen melts away because your BookShark Science package has:

  • Your planning done for you
  • Curriculum and recommended literature included
  • Instructor's guide to lead you step-by-step through lessons and activities
  • Science supplies kit for experiments
  • Amazing ways to make science enjoyable for your kids and you!
  • Amazing ways to make science enjoyable for your kids and you!
  • NEW option: BookShark Science Virtual (more below)
BookShark Science Level F package with Instructor's Guide, Science Experiments book, Discover & Do science supplies kit, and books to feature the 10 reasons you and your kids will love this homeschool science package

5 Reasons Why YOUR KIDS Will Love BookShark Science

Now, here are some things that my boys have told me that they love (or I've noticed) about BookShark Science:

1. Engaging resources

The books and activity sheets are colorful and eye-catching. My 3 younger boys find it easier to focus when their homeschool resources have a mix of text with interesting pictures.

2. Motivational

Students are presented with challenges that are appropriate for their age level. As Bear (10) put it, "It's not babyish or too hard."

Your young scientists are also encouraged to work on critical thinking, as well as building on skills and knowledge presented in the lessons.

3. Hands-on activities and experiments

In our homeschool, we've found that the best way to reinforce lessons is through hands-on experiences. BookShark Science packages include simple yet powerful activities for each week.

4. Relaxed schedule

*I feel like this reason fits for parents, too. But, my boys really appreciate this perk so I added it here 😊

The BookShark Science plans evenly space out lessons and activities into a 4-day schedule. Totally manageable and fantastic for flexibility, playing catch-up, and opportunities for field trips or homeschool co-op!

This relaxed approach to homeschool science makes it so much less stressful and more enjoyable for all of us.

5. BookShark Science is Fun

It's not just a textbook, notes, and worksheets.

These packages are a cool mix of resources and supplies that combine for awesome science fun.

My boys and I actually wait to do our science until the end of our homeschool day. BookShark Science has become something that we look forward to and motivates us to get our other subjects done. Smiley (12) says that BookShark Science "is like our dessert - it's the good stuff you can't wait for!".

Tween boy using hot glue gun to build a catapult out of popsicle sticks and rubber bands to show the awesome science activities found in BookShark Science packages
Smiley using a hot glue gun to build a popsicle stick + rubber bands catapult.

Our Experiences with BookShark Science Level F

I'm using BookShark Science Level F with my younger boys.

Initially, I got this level (geared towards ages 10-13) for Smiley (12) and Bear (10).

Xman (7) desperately wanted to join his big brothers so I decided to go for it. If necessary, I adapt an activity for him or provide help. It's actually worked out well because it saves me time from separately teaching him and keeping him busy while working with older brothers.

BookShark Science F Package focuses on science application. Students learn about about stars and the solar system, human impact on earth’s materials and systems, matter and energy, and properties of matter.

As a literature-based approach, 3 select books are used. You can check them out HERE.

BookShark Science Level F curriculum supplies in a rolling cart
Squeal! I LOVE having all of our BookShark Science Level F resources in our NEW homeschool cart!

What does a typical week look like for us using BookShark Science F Package?

I do homeschool planning and prep by the week, usually on Sunday evenings. I take a few minutes to look over the 4-day plan and compare it to our family's schedule (it varies week-to-week so I tweak when necessary).

During this time, I also read through the brief Notes section. This part gives you an overview of what your kids will be learning, as well as insights on more difficult concepts or content. Also, I check the supplies kit so we're all ready for science fun that week.

Days 1, 2, & 3 (usually Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday): The boys and I take turns reading aloud from one of the books included in the package. Then, the boys complete activity sheets that correspond with our reading.

An Optional activity is included in each week's plans. If time permits, we try to do that activity on the suggested day. Otherwise, we move it to Day 5 or skip it.

Day 4 (usually Thursday): Experiment Day! The boys take out our BookShark Science F Experiments Books and Discover & Do Science Supplies Kit for some hands-on learning fun. You'll find most of the supplies needed for the experiment. A Shopping/Planning List is included for each week to give you a heads-up if you'll need to gather any materials from around your home or at the store.

Day 5 (usually Friday): Time for taking a deep dive into any of the science concepts that interested the boys that week OR play catch-up OR enjoy another homeschool adventure.

BookShark Science packages are new for 2021 and awesome. Each level is literature-based, hands-on, STEM-integrated, and fully-planned.

More About These Amazing Homeschool Science Packages

Want the nitty-gritty on BookShark Science packages? Check out the details on these literature-based, faith-neutral kits:

1. Levels

BookShark Science packages are available in Levels. You'll find a range of suggested ages for each level (not grades). Fantastic for homeschooling multiple kids!

Levels are currently available for A-F, including:

  • Level A - Your young scientists (ages 5-7) will learn all about wildlife and ecosystems, weather patterns, the purpose of weather forecasting, and simple machines and physics. The scientific process of Prediction, Investigation, and Conclusion is also featured.
  • Level B - Students (ages 6-8) will learn about light and sound waves, animal life and survival, the solar system, and engineering design. Hands-on activities like assembling a bird's nest and discovering how fireflies communicate look amazing!
  • Level C - Recommended for ages 7-9, your kids will learn about the interdependent relationships of plants and animals in ecosystems, explore what the world is made of, and examine the water cycle. Cool activities, like forming a cave with water and constructing a building to survive an earthquake, are part of this level.
  • Level D - Your kids (ages 8-11) will learn about forces and interactions, life systems and cycles, weather and climate, and engineering design. A few of the activities for this level include creating an electrical current to light up a battery and building a robot powered by a motor.
  • Level E - For ages 9-12, your young scientists will about energy, the earth’s systems (including rock formations, tectonic plates, and natural hazards), the properties of waves, and physical characteristics of living things. My boys are very interested in this activity for this level: building a methane gas collection system!
  • Level F - The package that my boys and I are using! It's geared towards ages 10-13. In addition to what I shared above about this package, we'll be enjoying experiments like engineering a catapult, constructing an articulating hand, and making plastic from corn.
  • Level G - Watch your kids (ages 11-13) make connections and delve deeper into chemistry, physics, and biology with this super cool package.
  • Level H - My boys and I can't wait to use this package for ages 12-14! It's all about robotics, conservation, energy, engineering (dams and canals), and technology.
  • Level I - Your young scientists (ages 13-15) will learn all about physics, electromagnetism, and waves by using The Story of Science series and hands-on activities.

2. Fantastic literature selections

With every BookShark Science kit, you get amazing books and resources to make learning fun and engaging.

The books are included in the package so you don't have to order anything extra or keep your fingers crossed that your library will have the suggested resource.

You'll find a variety of books that are age-appropriate. For example, my boys are using Level F. One book included in the package is a DK See for yourself selection, water. This book takes a deep dive (pun intended!) into all things water. My boys have been soaking up (another pun!) so much information.

Another book in Level F is Listening to Crickets: A Story about Rachel Carson. My boys love reading biographies so this one is a big hit. (And I'm thankful for finding a new biography series for them to enjoy!)

3. Updated to be standards-based

These BookShark Science packages now meet Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)- not common core. I wasn't familiar with these standards but, after reading this post, I'm thrilled with this update.

Want to learn more about BookShark Science AND take a sneak peek? Go ahead and:

Oh, and make sure to watch the video below (like and subscribe!) and really take a look!

YouTube video

NEW Program for 2021 & Beyond: BookShark Virtual

When you pair BookShark print curriculum with a Virtual seat, parents and students get cool online features like assessment, grading, and accountability—accessible via mobile or desktop!

The best way to understand BookShark Virtual is to try it yourself. The first three weeks of every Virtual course are available for free just like the Instructor's Guide samples always have been.

Watch the demo videos to get your bearings, and then take it for a spin. Let your child take a peek, too!

BookShark Science Level F package and boy using popsicle stick catapult with pompom and science supplies and experiment book to feature the 10 reasons you and your kids will love these homeschool science curriculum packages

BookShark Science GIVEAWAY!

WooHoo! Enter this giveaway for an amazing chance to a BookShark Science Level 🎉

Giveaway is for USA only. Winner’s choice of level A-F, including 1 virtual seat.

Help You & Your Kids Fall In Love With Science!

After using BookShark Science Level A and now F, I can wholeheartedly recommend these packages to any homeschooler that needs open-and-go, quality, engaging, faith-neutral science. Of course, the ability to easily combine ages is like a cherry on top for families homeschooling multiple kids!

Request that catalog, check out the free samples, and watch the videos.

And let me know if you have any questions about BookShark Science packages - a brilliant approach to making homeschooling enjoyable for all!

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  1. Hi I just came across this post- i was looking into bookshark science this upcoming year because we love the reading thru history so much. We found that the hands on history kits were sub par stuff was very cheap and didn't work so my question is do they give you a full supply list somewhere for the experiments because I doubt the kit is worth $75! Thank you!!!

    1. Yes, you do get a full supply list for the experiments 🙂 Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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