Life of Fred Language Arts-Intro & Australia Chapter-Lesson Extensions
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You probably know by now how much we LOVE Life of Fred! (And, if you didn't, here's a few of our favorite of ways to incorporate Life of Fred into our homeschool:
- Life of Fred Extravaganza
- 14 Reasons We Love Life of Fred!
- Life of Fred Butterflies Lesson Extensions Chapters 1-10
Before I get into our latest amazing adventure with learning with Fred, make sure to
Disclaimer: This is an affiliate post. I did not receive any product for this review. I do receive a commission if you should purchase these products. Thanks, as always, for reading & supporting our homeschool!
Smiley and Bear have been enjoying our Life of Fred Lesson Extensions for the second book, Butterflies, in the Elementary Series. Captain and Professor have been working through the Life of Fred Intermediate Math books. We have become a Life of Fred Family!
When Educents revealed a great sale (which happens quite frequently!) and a free shipping deal, I could not resist buying Life of Fred Language Arts Series for Captain and Professor to use! Both boys are voracious readers who have rich vocabularies. We have tried a few different approaches to Language Arts but none really seemed to appeal to them.
I was thrilled to find Life of Fred Language Arts! The boys have already enjoyed following along with Fred on his math adventures. Although the chapters are not very long and only have a few questions, Captain and Professor (and now Smiley and Bear!) have learned so much with Fred (and our Lesson Extensions!)
Who is Fred? Here's a snippet of what you will find:
Life of Fred is a series of Language Arts books that break of the old pattern of drill and kill. Instead of nothing but dry exposition and endless drill exercises, they contain fun stories about Fred Gauss, a child prodigy math genius. During his hilarious adventures, he encounters situations that call for solving language arts problems. Learners actually want to read these books.
When our Life of Fred Language Arts books arrived, we could not wait to jump in! The first book in the series, Australia, is incredibly fun-and full of awesome educational concepts! Language arts concepts like grammar, spelling, reading, and writing are joined with other subjects like math, science, and art.
I knew that I would want to create lesson extensions for my two older boys to use with this language arts series. Another incredible reason that I LOVE Life of Fred is the potential for further learning with every chapter. A variety of educational concepts are presented in each lesson-and we love to follow those rabbit trails!
I will be sharing Life of Fred Language Arts Lesson Extensions here!
We worked on 4 main lesson extensions-and built off of each one.
Here's a few sneak peeks at what the boys were learning:
Captain & Professor using Skittles to demonstrate periods
Click HERE to get your FREE Life of Fred Language Arts-Australia Chapter 1 Lesson Extensions!
We have just started this series, but I can honestly say that I really love what I see! My boys don't object to reading the chapters (in fact, they are once again asking if they can read ahead!). Also, they are learning so much from Australia-and our lesson extension!
The recommended age range is 6th grade and up. Professor (10-"grade 5") and Smiley (6-"grade 1") are both participating in these lesson extensions. Professor independently reads and writes answers to bridge questions (the handful of problems posed at the end of each chapter for child to read and complete). Smiley "helps" me read a chapter and orally answers questions. So far, no problems!
Head on over to Educents and check out this fabulous Life of Fred Language Arts series. Make sure to browse around too-you will find free and affordable educational resources and products that rock!