14 Reasons Why We Love Life of Fred! (or Butterflies Ch. 9 Lesson Extensions)

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Life of Fred Butterflies Chapter 9-Campus Mail takes a fun look at elementary level math concepts and lots more! This affordable, engaging math curriculum has just been such a blessing to our family. We are so happy to share these lesson extensions with you!

life of fred


Two of my boys (Smiley, age 6, and Bear, age 4) are using Life of Fred Butterflies. They have thoroughly enjoyed our read-aloud time with Fred. In addition to our reading, hands-on activities with our lesson extensions have provided additional (pun intended!) learning and fun!

If you are new to the Life of Fred series (which by the way now includes language arts reading, chemistry, and financial choices!), no worries! Read all about this amazing 5-year-old math professor and his math adventures here and here!

Why did we start using Life of Fred?  Good question! In our second year of homeschooling, I had grandiose ideas (well, for our family-especially since I was pregnant with our 5th boy at the time!) that led to overplanning and early burn out.

We tried a very popular, well-recommended homeschool math curriculum-that just did not work for our family! The boys and I tried our very best to love-even merely tolerate-this curriculum but became more frustrated as time went on.

Coach and I believe that it is vital that our boys have a solid education-and have fun in the process! Stale, repetitive curriculum just doesn't fly in this all-boy home!

As I continued to plod along with my older boys with that dreaded curriculum, I began a search for a math curriculum that would better appeal to our learning styles-and be affordable! I quickly became overwhelmed all the homeschool math curriculum out there.

I stumbled upon Educents and the Life of Fred elementary math series sold there. Intrigued, I looked through the samples, as well as reviews. It did not take long before I was hooked!

Life of Fred Elementary Set

Here are just a few of the Life of Fred qualities that sold me:

  1. affordable
  2. reusable (no writing in book!)
  3. environmentally friendly (see above!)
  4. appealing story line
  5. lovable main character
  6. simple
  7. no hidden costs (like "you must have these 23 different manipulatives or the like)
  8. relatively short chapters=manageable (and doable with my toddler in tow!)
  9. filled with random trivia (I am a trivia nut! Love the facts and tidbits thrown in!)
  10. several concepts covered in one chapter-not drill and kill
  11. review of concepts in later chapters-presented in fresh ways
  12. curriculum continues through Statistics, Linear Algebra, Calculus!
  13. Christian  friendly
  14. endless possibilities for lesson extensions!

Don't believe me yet? Here are some more reviews of Life of Fred:

Cathy Duffy



Life of Fred Butterflies Ch. 9 Lesson Extensions

  1.  Snack Stars:  Smiley had a great time applying math to his snack time!

2.  Subtraction Fact Wheel:  More math fun for Smiley! "Practicing subtraction has never been this much fun!"

3. Orion's Sword:  Oh boy! We all had a lot of fun with this activity!

4. Telling Time Coloring Page Fun!:  I used this activity to help Smiley practice telling time concepts.

5. Subtraction with Stars!:  Bear had a fantastic time learning about subtraction with these stars.

6. Find out about this activity in this lesson extension pack! You can find out all about it when you access to Subscriber Only Freebies.


life of fred

Hope these Life of Fred Butterflies Chapter 9 Lesson Extensions helped you rock your homeschool!





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