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7 Reasons We Absolutely Love All American History (Vol. II)

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All American History Volume 2

My boys and I are always on the prowl for excellent resources for our homeschool. We have tried various homeschool history curricula in the hopes of finding the "perfect" one. With a history buff in the house (Professor), we are constantly seeking new "treasures" to add to our historical studies.

We have tried paper and online versions. We have used texts and unit studies. We have undertaken individual and family studies.

Although the boys continued to learn about history, none of these methods seemed to be "perfect" for our homeschool.

Until now!

We have had the pleasure to review All American History Volume II from Bright Press Ideas. What an incredible, family-friendly learning gem of history for our family!

Disclaimer:  I did receive product and compensation for this review. All opinions are 100% mine.

All American History Volume II

Volume II of All American History (AAH) covers the Civil War to the 21st Century. This homeschool history resource was written by a homeschool mom who studied history in college. Although created for upper middle to high school age students, All American History can easily be adapted for younger students.

My boys were excited to find a history text and activity book that covered the time period AFTER the Civil War. I kept hearing grumbling during our homeschool history time prior to starting AAH like "Really! Early explorers again!". When I gave the boys the option of studying pre- or post-Civil War, I was pleasantly surprised by their resounding "after the war!", jumping and shrieking for joy. (We get a little excited about history around here!)

I wish I would have taken a picture of when our box of All American History Vol. II goodies arrived! Professor, our history buff, snatched up the Student Reader and went off to his little reading nook with comfy blanket and huge grin.

All American History II
Professor in his happy place-reading a history book!


Captain, my oldest and big helper, started to skim through the Student Activity book. After a few minutes of perusing, he declared, in his newly teenage wisdom, "Hey! This actually doesn't look too bad!" (From him, this is high praise!)

All American History Volume 2
Captain checking out All American History Vol. II Student Activity Book

I must admit-I was quite excited myself to check out the Teacher's Guide and Answer Key. I love seeing suggested reading lists and enrichment possibilities. Also, I love breaking out my post-it notes and highlighters!

All American History Volume II
Mommy with her post-it notes & All American History Volume II Teacher's Guide

We have been using All American History Vol. II for a little over two weeks now. I took some time exploring the Student Reader and Activity Book with Captain and Professor. These books have such a wealth of information and possible ways to study. I wanted to get a feel for their reaction to the texts and discuss their hopes and ideas.

Based on those discussions, as well as our experience with AAH, I plan on writing a series of posts. These posts will highlight and expand upon each of the 7 points listed below.

7 Reasons We Absolutely Love All American History Vol. II

  1. Adaptable for use with multiple ages
  2. Great for different learning styles
  3. Fun for whole family
  4. Project ideas for enrichment
  5. Review games for solidification of concepts
  6. Use of timelines and maps
  7. Perfect for gifted student

I am looking forward to sharing our experiences with AAH Vol. II. My boys are thrilled to begin our learning adventures with post-Civil War times. I highly encourage you to head on over to Bright Press Ideas to check out this amazing history resource for homeschoolers-and their other fantastic titles! (They even have All American History Jr. for use with younger students-this title does the tweaking for you!)

Make sure to watch their informative video that tells you all about All American History and the many ways you can use in your homeschool!

[bctt tweet="7 Reasons Why Busy Boys Brigade loves All American History for a rockin' homeschool!"]

To make sure you don't miss any of these updates, sign up now for Busy Boys Brigade Bulletin! We will be highlighting how hands-on, family friendly ways to incorporate AAH II into your homeschool-and much more!

Follow Bright Press Ideas for updates on great deals and products:

site:  www.brightpressideas.com





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