
15 Smart Things to Do When You Have Homeschool Mom Downtime

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Woman wearing blue jeans & light brown boots reading a book sitting on brown leather couch with leather bag & pink journal


You know those marvelous times when you have a bit of homeschool mom downtime? Like when you're waiting during an appointment, therapy, or practice?

And you realize, "I actually have a few minutes with no one interrupting me, touching me, or requesting another food item!"

Being a homeschool mom often feels like you need to be on 24/7. And that can get exhausting!

Plus, super hard to get the things done that you need to, let alone want to!

To combat those feelings of overwhelm AND feel accomplished, get smart things done when you have homeschool mom downtime so you can look back on your day with a smile 🙂


Homeschool Mom Downtime Is What You Make It

As a homeschool mom of five busy boys, I know what it's like to feel like you never get homeschool mom downtime! Just the thought of it used to make me snort!

But, when I took a step back and looked at my day, I noticed something. There were times when I had five minutes here, ten minutes there, even a glorious half-hour all to myself.

And I had to ask myself: was I using my time as wisely as I could?

Big ol' fat NOPE!

I'll be the first to admit that sometimes a mindless scroll through my Facebook feed is oddly therapeutic. But, twenty minutes or more of it? Ugh!

There had to be a way to make better use of my homeschool mom downtime during events like:

  • Doctor appointment waits
  • Therapy appointments (X-man started speech therapy. I have friends with kids who have physical therapy, occupational therapy, vision therapy, etc.)
  • Sports practices and games

So, I decided to make a list of options of smart things to do while I get that blessed homeschool mom downtime!


Check out these 15 smart things to do when you have some glorious homeschool mom downtime!

15 Smart Things to Do to Make the Most of Your Homeschool Mom Downtime

1. Professional Development

Use your homeschool mom downtime to build skills, awareness, and knowledge. Find out more about homeschool mom professional development and how it can help you.


2. Podcasts

Podcasts-homeschool and more-are fabulous ways to have a bit of escape while being entertained or educated.


3. Audiobooks

There are so many wonderful audiobook options to enjoy during your homeschool mom downtime! You can pick something for professional development, something you're reading with your kids, or for your own pleasure.


4. Simple Planning

When you have a few moments to yourself, it can be awesome to use that time to catch up in your homeschool planner. Also, you can jot down short-term and long-term goals, priorities, or just review ones that you've already set.


5. Journal

Bring along a notebook or special journal. Pour your thoughts and feelings onto paper. Jot down whatever comes to mind or use these homeschool mom journal prompts to help you find your groove.


6. Start a new Pinterest board

Are you on Pinterest? Create a new board for a homeschool theme, unit study, holiday, subject, age group, etc. Fabulous ways to get inspiration and save new ideas!

Need help figuring out how to start a new Pinterest board? Get tips from the Pinterest Help Center.


7. Emails

Clean up your email inbox. Reply to emails or clear out junk. Ah, so freeing!


8. Pay Bills

If you pay any bills online, you can use your phone or tablet to get that task checked off your list.

Know you'll have a bit more time and space? Bring along your checkbook and bill payment system!


9. Play Learning App

Get some cognitive stimulation by playing a fun app on your phone or tablet. I share my favorites at Brain Breaks for Moms for Quick & Easy Self-Care.


10. Message a Friend

Reach out to a friend via text, email, or Facebook messenger. Check in or just send along a, "Hey, I'm thinking of you and hope you're well!".


11. Write a Snail Mail Letter

Bring along some stationery and put pen to paper to stay in touch with family, friends, and loved ones. Just think what a lovely surprise you'll give them!


12. Prepare Cards

On that note, pack greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events. Or prepare, send or schedule e-card greetings.


13. Collage Prep

Have some old magazines or catalogs? Add them and a pair of scissors to your homeschool mom downtime bag! Cut out pictures for collage work or your homeschool vision board.


14. Online Shopping

Got a birthday, special event, or holiday coming up? Search sites like Amazon, Zulily, or other favorite online shopping sites.


15. Pleasure Reading

Bring along a book (or pop open an ebook) to enjoy. If you love reading, you'll be using your time wisely by using it for homeschool mom self-care.


When do you have homeschool mom downtime?
What smart ideas would you add to these suggestions?

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