
Top 10 Guilty Pleasures for Homeschool Moms

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Woman eating ice cream


Homeschool moms are often asked how they do it all.

Lessons, planning, record keeping.

Chores, errands, meals.

How do homeschool moms manage to maintain their sanity while spinning so many plates at once?

Guilty pleasures.

You know the saying All work and no play made Jack a dull boy. Well, it also makes Jill a dull homeschool mom 😉

And overwhelmed. And like she's lost her sense of self.

You work hard as a homeschool mom. A guilty pleasure here or there can restore and revitalize. Guilty pleasures can be wonderful forms of self-care for homeschool moms. And you can make time for these popular self-care practices, otherwise known as guilty pleasures.

Based on my own guilty pleasures and those of my friends in the Rock Your Homeschool! Facebook group, I present to you this list. Make sure to share how you love to let go of some steam and chill as a homeschool mom.

Are you a homeschool mom? Do you indulge in any of these top 10 guilty pleasures? Find out if your favorite form of self-care made the list!

Top 10 Guilty Pleasures for Homeschool Moms

1. Chocolate

A sweet treat, often in the form of chocolate, is a popular guilty pleasure for homeschool moms. My friend, Dachelle of Hide the Chocolate, shares how chocolate (especially Nutella) can be a delightful indulgence.

2. Wine

A glass or two of wine (or other adult beverage) every now and again is a fine way to relax and unwind.

3. Coffee

Oh, how I love coffee! I have been known to say it is the elixir of life. Some homeschool moms prefer tea or hot cocoa. A lovely, warm beverage with its steam wafting upwards as you gently grasp it between both hands can bring such comfort and joy.

4. Netflix

Finding a special show, series, or movie to watch when you have a few spare minutes or more can make you feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders. Netflix is great for a bit of escape from reality 😉

5. Books

Another one of my favorite guilty pleasures as a homeschool mom! Books, in my humble opinion, are the best way to escape from reality.

6. Podcasts

Listening to other homeschoolers chat about homeschooling can help a homeschool mom feel normal. Podcasts are also great for learning about new topics, listening to music, learning mindfulness, and other awesome guilty pleasures.

7. Amazon

Scrolling on Amazon and loading up your wishlist with fun items can be a great guilty pleasure. Online window shopping at its best 😉 Also, Amazon Prime Video has some fabulous shows and videos to watch for your viewing pleasure.

8. Celebrity Crush

Some homeschool moms have a bit of a crush on a celebrity or two. I mean, have you seen all those Ryan Gosling memes? Personally, I think Bradley Cooper is easy on the eyes 😉 Do you have a celebrity crush that puts a blush on your cheeks?



9. Audiobooks

When you can't sit down to read a book, putting on a pair of earbuds and listening to a quality audiobook while doing chores can be a blissful way to indulge in self-care.

10. Social Media

Sometimes, you need a friend or two that gets it. Homeschool mom friends that you can connect with in real life are special. Online friends can be just as helpful and understanding. Facebook is a popular way for homeschool moms to unwind. And the Rock Your Homeschool! Facebook group is an excellent place to do just that.

Woman with eyes closed and smiling listening to music through earphones


So, what did I miss?
Give a shout out for your favorite homeschool mom guilty pleasure in the comments below 🙂

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