How to Make Your Homeschool Morning Time Shine
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Homeschooling mornings can feel like you are in the middle of a bad dream. You're there but not fully present, especially if your coffee hasn't kicked in. Everything is either moving super fast or way too slow. You try to speak, but it feels like it's coming out of a foreign object. Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah (like Charlie Brown's teacher).
If you can relate to any of the above, please know that you can wake yourself up from that draining reality. As a homeschool soccer mom to 5 boys, I know altogether too well what it feels like to fight the disorientation that a homeschool morning can bring.
Disclaimer: I received product for free to review and was compensated for my time. All opinions are honest and I was not required to post a positive review.
Whether you have a chaotic family schedule that flips you topsy-turvy or you just don't know what to do with your homeschool morning, I have a solution that can help you make your homeschool morning time shine.
Our Homeschool Morning Time History
Our homeschool has always had some form of a morning time. I have found it the best way to start the day with multiple ages. Overall, I absolutely adore homeschool morning time.
The only part that I did not enjoy with our homeschool morning time was all the planning and preparation. I have spent hours researching and piecing together different materials to try to create a successful start to our day. Some plans were hits; other ideas were complete flops.
My boys and I have experienced the many benefits of homeschool morning time. We love how it sets us up for a productive and peaceful day. I have witnessed my boys' relationships grow with collaborative projects and work. Recently, I realized that our homeschool morning time was suffering.
Why I Needed Help with Our Homeschool Morning Time
This year, my boys are 3, 6, 8, 12, and 15. A preschooler, two elementary students, a middle schooler, and a high schooler. That's a wide range of ages and stages to teach!
In addition to trying to cope with that spread of ages, my two older boys participate in both school and competitive soccer teams with demanding schedules. I am not exaggerating when I say that I felt like a chicken with its head cut off this Fall! There was some type of practice or game every single day with late nights and early mornings.
We all felt like we were being pulled like taffy. Exhausted and cranky, our homeschool mornings turned into battles so fierce they could rival those competitive soccer games!
Part of the problem was that my time for planning and preparing had vanished. I knew that our homeschool needed to maintain a sense of routine and normalcy with morning time. Exasperated, I had no idea how I was going to make that happen!
How I Now Make Our Homeschool Morning Time Shine!
Can you imagine how thrilled I was when I had the opportunity to review these Homeschool Morning Time Plans? Talk about serendipity! I mean, Pam is the homeschool morning time lady! Your Morning Basket, anyone? Oh my stars! Our homeschool morning was going to continue to flourish and could shine even brighter!
After flipping through the Fall Morning Time Plans, I was happy to see that the boys and I could combine these plans with our homeschool morning board. Just a few tweaks would enhance our current board and continue to provide a visual for my boys.
Our routine now proceeds with:
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Prayer
- Calendar + Countdown Chain + Homeschool Fun
- Memorization
- Poetry
- Fine Arts (Music, Picture Study, or Art) -OR- Nature Study -OR- Math
These morning time plans are filled with juicy nuggets of valuable information that I want to cover with ALL of my boys. With five boys and only one me, I just don't have the time to individually instruct all of my boys at different levels in all of these important subjects. Homeschool morning time provides each boy the opportunity to absorb the information at their own level, without feeling overwhelmed or rushed.
As a busy homeschool mom, I truly appreciate how the work is done for me. I go to my library's website with the printed booklist in hand, make my reservations, and pick up the books at the checkout counter. Those books stay in a special pile in our homeschool area. No more dashing about the house, trying to find a book or CD and delaying morning time!
Every homeschool morning, I open up our morning time plans in my planner and the easy-to-use webpage (which I bookmarked for easy daily reference). Select lessons have links to videos or posts with information to supplement your instruction.
There are also lovely options on how to use these morning time plans. I am currently using these plans with the suggested daily schedule. The provided loop schedule looks intriguing and might be an approach we try during the holidays.
Our Fall Homeschool Morning Time Plans in my Big Happy Planner. I can't wait to get started with the other seasonal plans!
I have saved countless hours of planning and preparing!!
The recommended resources have all been fabulous. Our favorite homeschool morning resource recommendation has been Nature Study using 100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks from Our Journey Westward. These hands-on nature studies and walks have been huge hits with my boys and rescued this nature-challenged mama!
I am happy to report that we will be using these homeschool morning time plans year-round. Other available seasonal themes include Winter, Spring, and Summer. My boys can't wait to try Middle Ages Term 1 and Term 2 plus Early Modern Morning Time Plans.
Our homeschool day has become even more relaxed with the organization and planning done for me. There's still plenty of wiggle room for us to continue to enjoy the exploration of an occasional rabbit hole or two, as we are apt to do. As with our homeschool fun, our homeschool morning time is so much easier with the right amount of preparation and quality resources.
You can try A Month of Morning Time for FREE! You will get three weeks of morning time activities to experience the benefits of morning time in your homeschool.
How can these resources help you make your homeschool morning time shine?