Fun Book & Activities For Learning About Nouns & Verbs
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Introducing our children to grammar can be a bit sticky. Words like "nouns" and "verbs' really have no meaning to our kids. Many grammar books present basic concepts in a rather dry fashion.
As Smiley (7) and Bear (4-who often is attached to Smiley's hip and learning right along with him) make progress with their reading and writing, I have found that we have touched upon nouns & verbs. At this time, we do not follow a specific grammar program. My boys work primarily through read alouds, narration, and copywork.
From among my (retired Kindergarten teacher) mom's many treasures gifted to us, I dug up this fun children's book called Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day by Robin Pulver. The boys enjoyed this entertaining read and quickly caught on to what it means when we say noun or verb.
Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day
This book is full of cartoony sketches that grab kid's attention. We find out happens when a class has a field trip and what their nouns & verbs do in the interim. This book is a companion to Punctuation Takes a Vacation, another fabulous book by Robin Pulver (and I shared about it here.)
As you may have guessed, I wanted to extend the learning fun with this book like I do with other hits in our homeschool. My boys have a variety of learning styles and I find it helps benefit all. Also, we love to add learning fun whenever we can into our homeschool day!
To build upon their learning about nouns & verbs, I created a printable pack which includes 3 pages.
- Nouns & Verbs Sort
- Nouns & Verbs Scavenger Hunt
- DIY Nouns & Verbs MadLibs (for all ages!)
You can access your FREE printable Fun Activities With Nouns & Verbs by subscribing to Rock Your Homeschoool.
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What are your favorite resources to teach grammar to your kids?