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Help For Your Homeschool Portfolio: Online Standardized Testing

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Get the help you need for your homeschool portfolio with this amazing online standardized testing resource! Find out how this affordable and easy to use resource was a blessing to this busy mom and her boys.


I was over the moon happy to learn about and try Affordable Homeschool Testing Services. As a busy homeschool mom to five boys, I need easy-to-use and budget-friendly for our homeschool. Also, I need to make sure that I follow homeschool laws for my state.

Disclaimer:  I received product to review for free. I was compensated for my time.
As always, I provide my honest opinion and was not required to give a positive review.

Our state of Pennsylvania requires standardized test reports for grades 3, 5, and 8. This requirement almost made me choose to not homeschool. I was petrified about the process of administering standardized tests. I also was afraid that these tests would cost a lot of money.

Another fear that I had (which I would venture to guess that many homeschoolers share) is how would my kids score. If my boys bombed the standardized test, what would I do to help them get where they need to be? And how would that reflect on me as a homeschooler?

Our Standardized Testing History & Present

My older boys have participated in standardized testing, both when enrolled at public school and now in our home. All of those testing scenarios caused unnecessary pressure and stress. (I could write a book about my boys' experiences and stories we hear from their friends!)

I knew that our 2016-17 homeschool portfolio for my oldest (8th grade) would need to include a standardized test report for our evaluator to review. Captain was a resistant learner last year and I was concerned about what to do. I wanted to find an online testing resource that he would feel comfortable with and would be easy to administer.

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Professor (11 and in 6th grade) requested that he take another standardized test this year. Self-driven, he is mature beyond his years. He recognized that he needs more practice with test taking skills. Professor had scored well on last year's tests but he had experienced significant test anxiety.

Smiley (7 and in 2nd grade) will be required to participate in standardized testing for a report to be submitted in his first homeschool portfolio next year. He has no test taking experience. I wanted to give him the opportunity to see what it is like to take a standardized test.

Affordable Homeschool Testing Services

All three of my boys completed their online standardized testing with AHTS (Affordable Homeschool Testing Services). I was pleased with how easy it was to complete the registration. Timely email reminders also helped this busy mom remember our testing dates and times.

Ellen of Affordable Homeschool Testing was a peach to work with! She walked me through the process of how the tests would flow. She also gave me helpful for tips for administering online standardized tests, system requirements, and if any extra equipment would be necessary (Smiley needed headphones).

Affordable Testing Services include online standardized testing to help you build your homeschool portfolio.
Smiley with his headphones on and taking his second grade online standardized test. (He thought it was so cool to wear headphones!)

A parent is required to be present during the test. You do not have to sit right by your child's side but need to be available for questions or tech support. You are allowed to clarify any questions your child has about a specific test question or section. You may not, however, help your child answer or provide any clues.

These tests are challenge tests. My boys were tested on information they have learned and with higher level concepts. The test adjusts to assess your child's current level. My boys understood this factor prior to going into the test and knew to expect challenging questions.

There was no time limit on the tests. Professor gave a huge sigh of relief when he realized that! One of his biggest anxiety triggers for a different online test he took last year was a timer. With Affordable Homeschool Testing Services, Professor was able to relax and his score reflected it.

Don\'t let homeschool portfolios scare you! Get the help you need with online resources like Affordable Testing Services. You can administer online standardized tests from home and make the portfolio process easier.
Professor is actually excited to start his online standardized test with Affordable Testing Services.


The online standardized testing took place over the course of three days. Smiley took MPG Reading and Math, one per day. Captain and Professor took MAP Reading, Math, and Language Usage over a three day period of time.

You will receive comprehensive test results from Affordable Homeschool Testing Services.
Here are the three packets of comprehensive test results from Affordable Homeschool Testing Services. Each packet includes a summary, graphs, and learning goals to help your child make academic progress.

You will receive helpful information in your comprehensive test results from these online standardized tests. Results include charts to help you visualize your child\'s current level.
Here is an example of a report included in testing report from Affordable Homeschool Testing Services.

None of my boys complained, whined, moaned, or groaned. This fact is a credit to Affordable Homeschool Testing! In the past at the mere mention of standardized tests, my boys have literally thrown themselves onto the ground into a prone position while gnashing their teeth and pulling at their hair. Professor actually asked if he could take these tests again in the Spring!

Personally, I was pleased with the experience. Costs are low ($60/1st student, $50/2nd student, $45/3rd+students) and test reports are comprehensive. Our reports included test scores, definitions of terms, charts, skills tested, and recommendations for areas each boy could work on for future progress. Support was truly amazing; one of the best that I have worked with.

The comprehensive results from Affordable Testing Services are great ways to help your older kids take ownership of their homeschool learning. With test result insights, your older kids can see strengths and weaknesses to work on.
Captain is reviewing his online standardized testing results. The comprehensive results from Affordable Testing Services have provided information to help him focus on strengths and build up weak areas.

Affordable Homeschool Testing Services helped me to save time, a precious commodity in our home. The registration process was fast, and I did not need to do anything to prepare but make sure our computer was turned on. I got to sit back and support my boys-one of my favorite roles as a homeschooler.

To find out more about Affordable Homeschool Testing Services and get updates, follow on Facebook.  I highly encourage you to check out their tests and learn how their online standardized testing can bless your homeschool.

Get $5 off with coupon code MAPTest17 (expires 7/5/17).

How could Affordable Homeschool Testing Services bless your homeschool?


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