5 Fantastic Physical Education Activities for Homeschool Fun
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Physical education activities are amazing ways to boost learning at home.
If you'd like to add some fun to your homeschool, check out these fantastic ways to make fitness fun for kids. Homeschool physical education doesn't have to be complicated or expensive with these creative ideas.
Fun Physical Education Activities for Your Homeschool
Physical education (PE) is so much more than running around or playing sports.
In traditional school, kids participate in organized activities with during a class period. Who has that kind of money and space for homeschool PE?
No worries! You can use these FREE homeschool PE activities and get the same benefits 🙂
Dance Party for Homeschool Physical Education Fun
Challenge your kids to find a song and create a dance routine.
First, explain that dance is often on an 8-count. Then, have them pick a song.
*If you want to make this a cross-curricular activity, have your kids pick three songs and write a paragraph on the meaning of those songs and why they'd like to create a dance for that song.
Once a song has been picked, have your kids create a routine, based on their 8-count. Add different components for different ages.
K-2 can create a short, basic dance, so their songs might be simple songs (think the ABCs or nursery rhymes).
Grades 3-5 can create a full-length dance, so their songs might be more popular or involve instrumental-only versions.
Older kids can create more technical dances, so their songs might be more popular with words that they imitate or act out. Challenge them to stay on the 8-count to add challenge to the activity.
Tip: Have them record their routines and watch their videos to make changes!
To wrap up the activity, put on a dance party. Invite others to judge the dance routines, even via Zoom!
Depending on how much time you give your kids, this activity could take 1-2 weeks of 30-45 minutes per day, giving you some time to catch up on other activities.
If you have older kids who do not want to participate, assign them to help younger siblings create their dance routine.
Cleaning Relays for Physical Education Activities
This activity is also a benefit for parents 😉
Cleaning relays are a great physical activity for kids. Start with generating a list of household chores.
Looking at that list, you'll probably find that there are some areas that your child cannot do (maybe your 6-year old can’t mow the yard), so try to focus on chores that your child can do. Also, try to find more activities that give your kids a fitness workout, like yard work, sweeping, and dusting.
If you have an only child, your relay can involve testing speed. For example, moving the chairs and sweeping the dining room may take 10 minutes at the beginning of the week. Time your kid on Monday and set a realistic goal. Perhaps, the task should really take 5 minutes.
A cross-curricular element could be the math involved with this activity. For example, to shave off 5 minutes in 4 days, your child would have to reduce his or her time by 1 minute and 15 seconds per day. Great way to sneak in a bit of math learning fun!
If you have more than one kid, you can compare speed. For example, give each child a rake and a portion of the yard. Time the two to see who can rake the leaves in a shorter amount of time. Make it a fun competition!
Tip: Add several activities to create a true relay race where your child completes one activity and then moves onto another.
This type of cleaning relay activity gives your kids fitness challenges while helping you complete household tasks.
Homeschool Physical Education Featuring Yoga
Yoga is a great way to challenge flexibility and work the body and mind. As a mental health therapist, I know the benefits of reflection and meditation to quiet the mind.
Kids can truly benefit from activities that help them slow down and practice mindfulness.
There are also tons of YouTube videos that teach yoga to kids (like Cosmic Kids Yoga).
Go through these yoga poses with your kids and enjoy the benefits, too.
This activity has cross-curricular elements if you add science (anatomy) and health to determine what muscles are being used with each pose.
Study and practice these poses for a few days. When your kids feel ready and comfortable with these poses, encourage your kids to create a quick 10-15 minute yoga routine. They can choose from their favorite poses or the poses that flow well together.
Tip: Add a challenge of creating a specialty yoga routine (like chair yoga).
Give your kids 1-2 weeks to create their routine and put calming music to it before teaching a class for you and your family.
Fresh Air for Homeschool P.E.
I recently heard about this ex-Marine who was in charge of PE in a homeschooling co-op for his neighborhood. He had the neighborhood kids outside doing burpees, air squats, marching, and more.
Depending on the age of your kids, you might not be able to create such sophisticated activities, but you can create an outdoor routine for homeschool physical education activities.
And don't forget heading outside and walking with kids! Simple and so fun 🎉
Marching bands are a great barometer for intense workouts for all-weather preparation. You can create a workout routine that mimics a marching band.
Make it a cross-curricular activity by having your kids check the weather and analyze weather patterns to determine what days fresh air activities could be done outside.
Tip: Have your kids help create the outdoor workout routine. Your kids can choose the stretches, arm and core workouts, cardio, and at least one fun activity for their routine.
Fresh air activities are a great way for your kids to get outside, but some activities can be done in the house as well, if necessary.
Fitness Fun for Kids Game
Enjoy a fabulous Fitness Fun for Kids Game! This free printable set includes an interesting mix of hands-on fun with a variety of fitness challenges. You can play this fitness game for kids indoors or outdoors 🙂
You can get this special set for free as a Rock Your Homeschool subscriber!
All of these activities are meant to get your kids up and moving around.
Homeschool PE is boring if it’s the same thing every single day, so try to give your kids a variety of options and get their input.
Once you’ve tried several activities, ask your kids what they think they should be doing. You’ll probably be happy with their response. Try these or other fun fitness activities with your kids to boost learning at home 🙂
What are some other ways that you include physical education activities in your homeschool?
Please share your ideas in the comments area below!