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Poetry Teatime: A Delightful Treat For Your Family

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poetry teatime

I want to share an exciting experience that will be launching at the end of March. From the creator of this site and its team, my boys and I have been using resources that have transformed our homeschool. I am thrilled to assist in spreading the word about this outstanding community.

Poetry Teatime

As I have shared in recent posts, I have been tremendously blessed to follow Julie Bogart, founder of Brave Writer, on Periscope. Her scopes have been truly inspirational and motivational. She has cultivated a supportive and encouraging atmosphere within the homeschool community.

[bctt tweet="#PoetryTeatime - A Delightful Treat Your Family! #poetryteatimecontest #ihsnet"]

Although I felt that our homeschool needed a bit of a change up, I was lost as to what to do. I had prayed over our homeschool and was pulled to watch Julie's scopes. Intrigued by her homeschool philosophy, I checked out Brave Writer and took the plunge. I started reading The Writer's Jungle and knew our prayers had been answered. Captain (13) and Professor (10) are using The Arrow. Smiley and Bear are enjoying The Wand. I am relishing the positive transformation in our homeschool day!

As part of the Brave Writer lifestyle, Julie encourages families to host weekly poetry teatimes. These special events involve sitting around a pot of tea (or other tasty beverage), a morsel of goodness, and a strew of poetry books.  My boys and I have loved our poetry teatimes.

poetry teatime


Poetry had not been a subject of interest to my boys. Well, not the traditional sense of poetry that I had experienced. The reading of a poem in dry tones with a brief synopsis that barely touched its depth.

poetry team time
Professor, Smiley (pinkies up!), and Bear enjoying Poetry Teatime

As you will discover with Poetry Teatime, Julie and her team opens the world of poetry to all. Poetry no longer seems stuffy or untouchable. On the contrary, poetry has taken on a whole new world for our family-an exciting, adventurous, and brave world!

poetry teatime
Xman is ready to dive into some poems with Captain wearing his St. Patrick's Day hat

Poetry Teatime will officially launch Tuesday, March 29. You can join in the pre-launch fun starting Tuesday, March 15 (now!). Come on over and get your FREE Poetry Teatime Guide plus enter their contest.


Poetry Teatime

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Hope to see you over at Poetry Teatime where we can be inspired and help our families develop a lifelong love of poetry!

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