
How You Can Homeschool While Working-Finding Balance

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Switching from a stay at home homeschooling mom to homeschool while working mom can have its challenges. One of them being with how will you teach them when you are not home as often? How will you find balance?

When I returned to work, some people thought public school is where my kids would be and our homeschooling journey would end. Like throwing them on a shiny yellow bus would make my life easy! In theory, this might look like a great idea but in reality, it would add chaos to our lives.

I knew there had to be a way to ensure my children could continue to find a flexible, solid and tailored education at home even if I wasn't there to watch every step.

After research, I found a few things that work great not only for me but other working homeschoolers. I wanted to share them with you so you can feel encouraged about going to work and being able to continue in your homeschool journey. Mind you, it might not look the way you thought it would-but life is all about change.

It is all about finding balance and make it work for you!

Discover how you can homeschool while working! According to Jen at Practical By Default, the key is to finding balance. Find more tips and resources like this over at 20 Days of Homeschooling Encouragement Blog Party.The first step I always recommend when asked about choosing the right curriculum for your child no matter what is going on is to reexamine a few things. 

Three tips to consider when finding balance:

One is why you are homeschooling, what is are you hoping to accomplish? To raise a child who loves to learn? To go to university? To ace a test?

Many homeschool for different reasons so make sure you remember why you began this journey in the first place. It will help you get through the rough days we all experience and growing pains with your new working lifestyle.

The second is how does your child learn? Learning styles can be a "big thing" among homeschoolers with fancy names and many break downs. Let's keep it simple. I am asking you in view of choosing curriculum or resources that will best fit your student. You want to be working along side of this, not against it. 

For example, if you have a student that learns best from listening but you ask them to do all computer work that needs to be read, they will struggle. So taking a few minutes to make sure nothing on the learning style side of things has changed will be a huge help for both of you.

Third consider your schedule, if you are working 8 hours are you going to want to come home and sit and teach? If not, (I know I wouldn’t!) ask yourself:

  • Can you set up activities for them to do alone?
  • Can you find family members that are willing to teach them subjects while you are working?
  • What subjects do they need me for?
  • How much time will this take?

Discover how you can homeschool while working! According to Jen at Practical By Default, the key is to finding balance. Find more tips and resources like this over at 20 Days of Homeschooling Encouragement Blog Party. Answering these honestly will allow you to make the right choices for you and your family. Remember what works in one household doesn’t always work for others so play around with it. Allow for an adjustment period of learning 🙂 

For the audio of 3 Tips to Finding Balance, click on the image below:

Audio Copy Of how you can find balance while working and homeschooling

[bctt tweet="How You Can #Homeschool While Working-Finding Balance by Jen @PracticalByD, part of 20 Days of Homeschooling Encouragement Blog Party. #ihsnet" username="busyboysbrigdade"]


When I returned to work, online programs saved me! They helped me find balance as they did much of the hard work for me. Here are a few I currently use or have used in the past:

(Online K-12 complete programs)

Easy Peasy Homeschool -This program is free. Read how we use it here.

Schoolhouseteachers.com -This program is a monthly subscription. Read our review here.

Khan Academy-This program is free. Most people think math, however, Khan Academy covers arts, computer, science and more. Totally worth checking out.

Time4Learning-This program is a monthly subscription as well. It can also be used as an after school program, summer school program or skills building program.

CK-12 this is a program I always forget about but truly is a great resource! They have so much available and all for free.

Lastly, I wanted to share that unit studies are a great idea for working parents. Why? On your days off you can do this with your child! Unit studies incorporate many subjects and are a great way to spend time with your children as they learn.

My children are not crazy about lapbooking-too much cut and paste! However, they do like notebooking. I recommend checking out Notebookpages.com and signing up for their freebie library. I love that I can go and print off the pages I need. Easy for working parents!

You can totally homeshool and work outside the home, you just need to make it work for you! 


Check out these great resources, ideas, and stories on homeschooling encouragement. 20 Days of Homeschooling Encouragement Blog Party is dedicated to homeschoolers helping homeschoolers find support and inspiration.


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