
Awesome & Effective Resource for Homeschooling High School

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Are you nervous about homeschooling high school? With this resource, you don\'t have to be! Get the practical tips you need to forge a successful path for your homeschool teens.

Homeschooling high school is a frightening thought to many homeschool families. The entire process can feel overwhelming. The pressure of home educating your kids gets turned up several notches with the addition of requirements and record keeping.

A homeschool parent's mind can quickly turn to jelly. Paralyzing questions of self-doubt and logistics permeate your being. A homeschooler wonders:

  • Am I smart enough?
  • How will I know what to record and when?
  • What & when does my child need to study?
  • What does a credit hour mean?
  • How do I help my child determine a future career?
  • What types of tests does my homeschool high schooler need to take?

If you plan on homeschooling high school, these questions and more have probably entered your thought process at some time or another. I know I have often wondered how in the world I would ever be able to homeschool my teens.

Fortunately, I have a friend who has walked down this path with success and has written a book to share her tips and experiences. This book has become a treasured resource for this homeschool mom!

Disclaimer:  I received Homeschooling High School with College in Mind free for review. All opinions are my own and I was not required to write a positive review.

Fears Turned to Confidence

I am ashamed to admit this but like to keep it real. I was afraid to open Homeschooling High School with College in Mind. Yes, afraid!

My oldest is in eighth grade. Homeschool is just around the bend. I knew it was coming and that I needed to get prepared.

And yet, I kept putting off my homeschooling high school research. Why? Because I was scared.

I think a better description is terrified.

Even though I absolutely love homeschooling my boys, the idea of homeschooling high school sent shivers up and down my spine.

You see, my mind has been filled with the comments and observations of family members and friends. Comments like, "Well, you won't be homeschooling high school, right? You don't have the right ____ (insert whatever learning tool or supply that they deem necessary)!" Or questions like "But what about prom? And extracurricular activities?"

The most frequent comment:  "You can't do high school science at home! What about dissection and chemistry experiments?"

If you are a homeschooler, are you laughing with me? Aren't these comments and questions absurd when you learn about the marvelous homeschool supplies and curricula available?

As much as I know these comments are ridiculous, I was still affected by them. Oh, and the wonder at how I would effectively plan and record homeschool high school.

I sat staring at Betsy Sproger's Homeschooling High School with College in Mind. I would work up the nerve to crack it open, only to allow a distraction to call me away.

At a soccer training for my oldest, I bit the bullet and took a sneak peek inside this resource. I can't tell you how glad I am that I did!

Throughout her book, Betsy sprinkles her practical tips with encouragement.  Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. With Betsy's tips and examples, I felt like homeschooling high school might not be as scary after all.

If you have any fears about homeschooling high school, you need to check out this amazing resource! Filled with practical tips and encouragement, you will get the help you need for your homeschool teens.

Homeschooling High School

This homeschool treasure is filled with helpful tips, forms, and support. Betsy breaks down the process of planning and preparing for a successful homeschool high school experience based on your child's interests. She has done the hard work for us (and I'm so grateful to her for that!).

What's in the book?
  • Researching College Entrance Requirements
  • Planning High School with College in Mind
  • Choosing High School Curriculum
  • Assigning High School Credit
  • Making Your Transcripts (Calculating the GPA, etc)
  • Electives and College
  • Writing the College Essay
  • Course Descriptions and Reference Letters
  • Preparing your Teen for College Writing
  • Nature Study and PE

Each chapter has planning printables. The book is available in print or Kindle version.

Although this resource is designed for use with homeschool highschoolers who are considering college, I believe that all homeschool teens and their families can benefit from this book. As Betsy points out, your teen may not think they want to go to college when they are 13 or 14 but decide later on that they want to give college a shot. Better to be prepared and have all credit hour and other requirements planned out!

Starting January 30th for one week, these books are on sale! The Kindle Amazon is 45% off and the printed version is 20% off. This ebook is also available free on Amazon Prime. Regular prices are $7.17 for Kindle and $9.19 for the paperback.

Do you want to homeschool high school? If so, I highly encourage you to use Homeschooling High School with College in Mind to help you and your teens on a successful home education path.

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