LightSail for Homeschoolers: A Comprehensive Online Way to Make Language Arts Fun
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LightSail for Homeschoolers is an amazing way to make language arts fun.
This comprehensive online program is full of engaging resources and activities for reading, writing, spelling, and more.
Find out how my boys and I are using this online learning platform and how it can easily boost your homeschool adventures, too!
Disclaimer: I received this product for free and was compensated for my time. As always, I’m sharing my honest opinions and was not required to provide a positive review.
Homeschool Language Arts Can Be Fun!
Is your language arts time filled with lots of moans and groans?
Or maybe you keep trying to go a bit deeper with vocabulary and spelling in your homeschool but nothing seems to work?
Perhaps you'd love to encourage a love of reading and all things literacy for your kids, but don't have the funds to build a big enough library at home (or cover your library late fees)?
I'm over here with a big ol' YES to all of the above!
My boys love books and to read for pleasure. But, at the mere mention of language arts, the grumbles begin.
Why do my boys (and maybe your kids?) fuss about language arts?
According to my boys, language arts "sucks the fun out of reading". Stuff like grammar, spelling, and vocabulary "turn something really cool into boring and painful".
My boys can be a bit dramatic when it comes to language arts, but I don't want them to feel that way. I want my kids to appreciate how all the pieces of language arts combine to provide amazing literary works.
Plus, they're going to need this information for standardized tests 😉
Well, you can imagine my delight when I discovered LightSail for Homeschoolers!
An online program for preK-12, LightSail for Homeschoolers is your all-in-one spot for language arts.
Before getting to the nitty-gritty of LightSail for Homeschoolers, let's see if it's time for your to consider a boost for your homeschool language arts approach.
Could Your Homeschool Language Arts Use a Boost?
Before I add or change anything to our homeschool, I like to take a step back and take a hard look at where we are. And I suggest you do the same!
Here are a few questions that I ask myself to reflect on our current homeschool status on a subject:
- What are our goals and intentions for this subject? Are they being met (or worked towards) for each student?
- How long have we been using our current resources? Are they jiving for us - or it is time for a change?
- Overall, when we do this subject in our homeschool, is it fun and relaxed - or stressful and boring?
- How do I think and feel about this homeschool subject? Any negative things holding me back from properly using these resources with my boys?
- How do my boys think and feel about this homeschool subject? Any negative experiences or thoughts holding them back from effectively using our current materials?
I've learned over the years to not just jump from curriculum to curriculum because of shiny object syndrome (when something new looks better and easier)or comparison syndrome (hearing another homeschooler rave about a particular resource and it will magically solve all of our problems).
I share these considerations so you can make an informed decision based on YOUR homeschool's needs.
I'm guessing if you're here and read this far, then you're in need of a boost to your homeschool language arts. If that's the case, I'm thrilled to share this outstanding online program with you!
What is LightSail for Homeschoolers?
Imagine an all-in-one hub for your language arts needs.
And then add easy access to other amazing resources, like maps and atlases, timelines, augmented reality experiences, and more.
Oh, and you can use this incredible online program with ALL of your homeschool kids (prek-12)!
You may just have to pinch yourself when you check out LightSail for Homeschoolers.
This comprehensive language arts platform provides homeschoolers with freedom and flexibility for meeting your students where they are and helping them exceed their goals.
LightSail has an extensive library with so many resources, experiences, and opportunities:
12,000+ books
1,500+ audiobooks
20,000+ educational videos
1,000+ Live Streams
50,000+ Encyclopedia Articles
10,000+ Biographies
PLUS maps, atlases, timelines, and so much more!
A fantastic feature is the Unit Studies in the Library section of your dashboard. LightSail for Homeschoolers has a growing list of unit studies on a variety of topics to choose from.
You can customize these options, adding or deleting resources. AND you can put together your own unit studies based on your kids' interests right within the platform. Such an easy way to plan, access, and enjoy unit studies with your kids!
LightSail's 4 Pillars of Literacy
LightSail for Homeschoolers is based on 4 Pillars of Literacy:
1. Reading
LightSail makes reading a unique and engaging experience for your kids.
This adaptive platform helps your student pick the perfect book. It also helps your kids get the most out of the materials by monitoring progress and giving meaningful feedback.
You'll find SO many books. It's like having the library right in your home - without the wait or overdue fees!
2. Writing
If writing has been a struggle in your homeschool (like it has been in ours!), LightSail is like a breath of fresh air.
You'll find a variety of modules to guide your kids, step by step, through different types of writing scenarios. And all of those activities are tailored to your student's ability and interests.
Your kids can enjoy:
- Authentic Writing (real-life writing scenarios where kids write about a problem, idea, or situation from a book they've read)
- Essay Writing
- Inquiry Writing
- Creative Book Reports
- Writing Skills Builder
- Informal Writing Workshops (self-paced)
- Author A Book (students can create their own book and publish on Lightsail for children around the world to read)
Wonderful options for helping your kids become confident writers!
Sounds good? It's AMAZING! Give it a test run with this 7-day FREE trial!
3. Vocabulary
Kids of all ages master new words the best when learned in context and through repeated exposure.
LightSail for Homeschoolers targets vocabulary that your kids need additional practice with and even provides contextual support that's necessary for real mastery.
Games and fun challenges also make vocabulary exciting for your students.
Vocabulary doesn't have to be a boring list of words. Make it fun with LightSail!
4. Fluency
In LightSail, you'll find a Fluency Builder tool. This interactive section has a running record feature. This super cool tool lets student record their reading (either through read-aloud or retelling). Such a helpful way to assess your student's reading fluency and track progress over time!
One of my favorite features of LightSail. It's perfect for busy moms who are homeschooling multiple kids!
Why Kids Love LightSail for Homeschoolers
I wasn't sure what my boys would think of having so many options for language arts - would they feel overwhelmed?
Well, the boys are LOVING it!
Smiley (12) said, "I feel like I'm not boxed in with what books to pick - like, even from our library. I can always find something that I want to read." (Our local library is a very small branch of the main system - sometimes, we have to wait days to get our picks.)
Bear (10) has been gushing over LightSail. He's a voracious reader who likes to go down rabbit trails with his books (reads a book and finds another topic that he must explore!).
Xavier (7) likes having so many books at his level that "are interesting and not for babies".
Professor (16) is just getting into LightSail but already likes being able to easily pull up research to dig deeper, especially for his favorite subject, history.
Here are the special features that my boys have particularly enjoyed:
- World Book Encyclopedia, Visual Timelines, Maps & Atlas, Biography Center, 360degrees (for older students and early learners)
- Lerner Sports, Audiobooks, Digital Interactive Books
- Augmented Reality Experiences (like digital pop-up books)
- TED Talks & TED-ED
- Livestreams (for Space, Animal, Waterfalls, Rivers, Cities, Landmarks)
- Google Street View
- Word Work (allows students to work on spelling and vocabulary words missed in their assignments - the boys actually haven't complained about these activities!)
Why Parents Love LightSail for Homeschoolers
As a busy homeschool mom on a budget, I'm greatly appreciating all that LightSail for Homeschoolers has to offer.
It's supplemental and complementary to any language arts curriculum - and adds a flexibility and freedom that we've been looking for.
You'll find an optional adaptive reading placement test (great if you're not sure where your student is) called Power Challenge (or you can place your child at the grade level you'd like your child to complete).
Content appropriateness controls allow you to filter what your students have access to, allowing you to make sure your kids are only seeing resources for their age and according to your belief system.
When your students are reading, they'll have embedded assessments with cloze reading activities (words are removed from a passage and students fill in words based on context).
You'll find a helpful Getting Started Guide (LightSail for Homeschoolers Booklet), filled with information and research about this online educational resource.
You have access to a Parent Dashboard, as well as dashboards for all of your students. In this area, you can share recommended resources with your kids, monitor progress, and more.
Oh, and you can ALSO access free weekly webinars to guide you through LightSail and maximize its effectiveness, as well as give you tips and ideas for promoting literacy.
Take Your Language Arts to the Next Level with LightSail for Homeschoolers!
You can easily boost your homeschool language arts with LightSail.
Find out more about how you can enjoy this online learning platform with all of your kids HERE.
This FREE trial for 7 days for 7 kids is awesome!
No credit card is required and you get to check out the +100K curated resources.
Got questions about LightSail for Homeschoolers? Let me know in the comments area below 😊