Edible Science Experiments for Kids: 40+ Excellent Ways to Make It Fun
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Edible science experiments are extra special ways to make learning fun. You'll find 40+ creative and exciting activities to bring your educational adventures to the next level!
When it comes to science experiments, it's usually taught that eating the materials isn’t the best idea. Lab safety and all!
But, what if you could combine the exciting feeling of discovery that comes with science and the joyful feeling of eating something tasty?
That’s EXACTLY what you get with these edible science experiments for kids 😊

Edible Science Experiments for the Win!
As a mom of 5 boys, I've discovered that one of the easiest ways to make anything fun and engaging is FOOD. I'm pretty sure that applies to girls, too 😉
Science (especially hands-on science experiments) is a big favorite in our homeschool. Interest-led learning has been a key to our homeschooling success. And I love to take something that my kids are already excited about and boost our learning adventures with it.
I thought it would be a blast to mix our love of science with food. There's so many cool ways to enjoy learning fun in the kitchen!
Most of these edible science projects involve ingredients and materials that are either easily found at your local stores or that you likely already have at home. I’ve also tried my best to gather experiments that are easy enough for curious kids of all ages to do.
Dig in and enjoy!
40+ Edible Science Experiments for Learning Fun
1. Gummy Bear Chemistry
Liquids, solids, and gummy bears . . . oh my! This one is perfect for kids who have a bit of a sweet tooth. And your kids will get to experience scientific concepts like states of matter, osmosis, and irreversible change in action with all this gummy bear chemistry.
2. Cake Chemistry
It’s hard to deny the fact that baking is just as much a science as it is an art. In fact, baking in itself is a chemical reaction (an endothermic reaction, to be more precise).
In this activity, kids learn just how important it is to use the right ingredients in their recipes when baking by seeing what happens when they leave out an ingredient.
3. Fibonacci Lemonade
This 5-ingredient mathematical science experiment is a visual (and flavorful) display of the Fibonacci Sequence.
Note: Prefer oranges over lemons? Make Fibonacci Orangeade instead! In fact, you can experiment with all kinds of fruit juice.
4. Edible Slime
Do your kids love slime? If so, they’ll love these recipes for a fun science experiment!
Experiment with different ingredients in this edible slime recipe to see examples of non-Newtonian fluids in action. Your children can test out which ingredients work and which ones are a disaster and enjoy eating the results.
5. Pop Rocks and Soda for Exciting Edible Science Experiments
This fun experiment lets you and your kids experiment with inflating a balloon with nothing but a bottle of soda and pop rocks candy. It’s a great way to teach them about what carbon dioxide is capable of. And your students can experiment with different types of soda, too.
6. Bread in a Bag
Who doesn’t love a warm loaf of freshly baked bread? If your kids haven’t had the pleasure yet, now’s the perfect time to start! And they can experience the magic of yeast making the bread rise in the bag.
7. Edible Science Experiments with Maple Syrup Snow Candy
If you live in an area that gets snow, try making maple syrup snow candy. It’s a really cool way to show kids how different temperatures affect the phases of matter - in this case, watching something liquid turn into a solid in cold temperatures.
8. Muffins vs Scones
Muffins and scones are both tasty baked goods, but one single ingredient (baking soda) can completely change the volume and texture of the finished product. Whip up a batch of each with your kids and talk about the difference that the leavening agents can make.
9. Grape Molecules for Edible Science Experiments
With just grapes and toothpicks, you can help your kids build models of molecules.
For added fun, you can use different fruits (and even soft candies like gumdrops or jelly beans) to make all kinds of molecules.
10. Edible Atoms
You can also make edible atoms using candy (or even healthier options like fruit, seeds, or nuts). This particular version of the activity uses two different kinds of marshmallows to represent the protons and neutrons while chocolate chips represent the electrons.
11. Food Storage and Spoilage
This experiment is a great way to explore how different foods should be stored to keep them fresh longer. Kids can make predictions about which foods spoil faster in which storage conditions.
Some concepts to be learned about through this experiment include oxidation, enzymes, desiccation, and microorganisms (like fungus and bacteria). Of course, you should only eat the fruits and veggies that stay fresh. No one wants a stomach ache!
12. Freezing Fruit
Did you know that you can cool water past its freezing point, yet the water can still remain liquid? This is called supercool water . . . and can be a fun experiment for kids. They’ll experiment with fruit and the supercool water — while making a refreshing treat.
13. Kimchi Chemistry
Though this one will take a bit more time and energy, the end result is worth it! It’s the perfect chance to witness how pH levels change as the kimchi ferments. Make sure to get some pH strips to use for testing.
It’s also a fantastic way to talk about the role bacteria plays in food and how there’s a difference between good and bad bacteria.
14. Homemade Yogurt for Edible Science Experiments
Speaking of good bacteria, another great experiment is making your own yogurt. (This kit for homemade yogurt is awesome!) It’s also a great way to discuss pasteurization and how heat is used to kill off bad bacteria.
15. Fish Dissection
Are you a family that loves to fish OR that often cooks fresh fish? Next time, let your kids learn about fish anatomy by dissecting the fish first. Experiment Archive shows you how to dissect a perch.
16. Strawberry DNA Extraction
The next time you have some fresh strawberries, set some aside for this genetics experiment. With some materials found in most homes, you and your kids can actually extract strawberry DNA and hold it in your hand.
17. Gummy Bear Osmosis
Here’s another experiment using gummy bears! This time your kids can shrink or grow gummy bears by putting them in water with and without sugar. It’s a cool way to learn about osmosis and how it affects cells.
18. Shrinking Chip Bag
If you grew up in the 80s or 90’s, you may remember this experiment trending. After enjoying the contents of a bag of chips, supervise your kids as they use a super quick blast of radiation from the microwave to miniaturize the chip bag. You can also compare the finished result to how they shrink when you shrink chip bags in the oven instead.
19. Making Crispy Fries for Edible Science Experiments
Whether you love your fries crispy or soft, it’s never a bad idea to learn about the science behind cooking. In this experiment, you and your kids learn how soaking potatoes in either cold or room temperature water before baking them impacts how they turn out.
20. Beans and Cooking Liquids
In this food science experiment, you and your kids get to see which cooking liquids slow down or speed up the softening process of beans. You can even add in an extra experimental component by seeing how the addition or lack of salt impacts the results.
21. Cranberry Sauce Versus Gelatin
In this experiment, kids learn about polymers (specifically pectin) and how they help give shape and form to things like cranberries. Your children can also experiment with what happens as the temperature applied to the cranberries is increased.
22. Beans and Water Absorption
In this food science experiment, kids get to measure how much water is absorbed by dried beans and see how the water absorption changes their volume and mass. Afterwards, you can use the beans in a variety of dishes, such as chili or soup.
23. Fruit Enzymes Gelatin Experiment
In this activity, your kids will learn that some fruits have certain enzymes in them that prevent gelatin from setting. Have fun hypothesizing which combinations will result in tasty jello and which ones will come out as a fruity gelatin mush.
24. Glowing Jello for Edible Science Experiments
Speaking of jello, this experiment is, as the kids say, “lit”! In fact, it glows!
All you need to do is add gelatin (preferably green) and tonic water. The quinine in the tonic water absorbs ultraviolet light and then re-emits it at a longer wavelength, resulting in an eerie glow.
25. DIY Rock Candy
Have fun watching crystallization take place right before your eyes by making your own rock candy!
An example of the geological process that happens in nature, this is a pretty amazing thing to see. Add food coloring to make it even more fun.
26. Measuring pH with Red Cabbage
Want to measure the pH of something to see how acidic it is? You can actually do it using red cabbage! And this video will show you exactly how to do it.
You’ll use the water from boiled red cabbage as a pH indicator. Mixing drops of the red cabbage juice with other compounds will create colors that show you where the compound lies on the pH scale (red = mostly acidic, greenish yellow= most basic). Feel free to use the boiled cabbage from the experiment to make a variety of dishes, like soup, casserole, or cabbage rolls.
27. S’mores in a Solar Cooker
Use the power of the sun to whip up some delicious, gooey solar oven s’mores. With just a box, some aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and a few other basic supplies, you and your kids can create a mini-oven powerful enough to make this popular bonfire treat. It’s a great lesson in solar energy and sustainability.
28. Egg in a Bottle
Get ready for a lesson in density and air pressure as you challenge your kids to fit a whole hard-boiled egg into the mouth of a bottle that it’s obviously too big to fit into. Then, show your students how the addition of a bit of fire can change everything. If you’re able to retrieve the egg from the bottle, you’re free to eat it as a snack.
29. Unicorn Noodles for Unique & Edible Science Experiments
Similar to the red cabbage experiment above, this one will have you cook noodles in purple cabbage water so that the anthocyanin that makes it such a good indicator soaks into the noodles. Then, all you have to do is add a little acid in the form of lemon or lime juice and watch the magic happen.
Or you experiment with a creamy dairy sauce to see if the addition of a basic compound makes a difference in the pasta color.
30. Ice Cream Glacier
Explore the concept of global warming with this edible experiment of ice cream glaciers that’s one part science and one part art. Using ice cream, toppings, and a baking pan, you can watch how glaciers form, move, and melt.
31. Popcorn Math
This one is really straightforward, but your kids may still be in for a surprise! Have them measure out different quantities of popcorn kernels and estimate how much popcorn they’ll get from each one after it’s been popped. And, of course, after this lesson in volume has ended, they can enjoy a tasty snack!
32. Fizzy Lemonade
Many of us have experimented with chemical reactions by making volcanoes using vinegar and baking soda. But that’s not the only way to do it!
With a simple mix of lemon juice, sugar, and baking soda, your kids can watch what happens when you mix acids and bases and enjoy the fizzy drink afterward. You can even see what happens when you use a cold glass versus a room temperature glass for some added excitement.
33. DNA Model for Super Cool Edible Science Experiments
Learning about genetics and DNA? Grab a few bags of candy from the store plus some toothpicks and have fun creating an edible DNA model. My boys and I recommend using Twizzlers or Red Vines for the backbone of the DNA and gumdrops for the nucleotides. In fact, we had a blast with this activity and making our own candy DNA model:
34. Edible Water Bottle
Did you know you can make a water bottle that’s edible and biodegradable? You’ll need some special ingredients that you can buy online. The result will be a waste-free water bottle! You can watch this helpful video from Inhabitat to get started and enjoy.
35. Gumdrop Bridge
Let your kids test out their understanding of gravity, shapes, and materials in this engineering experiment. Grab some gumdrops and toothpicks and let your kids get to work.
In addition to being a great science, engineering, and math activity, it can also give kids practice with their creativity and fine motor skills.
36. Fruit Caviar
No, this doesn’t have anything to do with fish eggs. But, it does have a lot to do with molecular gastronomy — a subdiscipline of food science dealing with physical and chemical processes when cooking.
In this experiment, you and your kids will apply the technique of spherification to turn fruit juice into little edible spheres, not unlike boba.
37. Butter Emulsification for Edible Science Experiments
Your kids are probably used to using butter in the kitchen. It’s delicious on toast, pancakes, and even biscuits. But, have they ever made homemade butter and enjoyed it fresh?
Here’s their chance to learn firsthand how butter is made and learn how fat separates from liquid (emulsification).
38. Making Curds and Whey
Many of us grew up singing about Little Miss Muffet, but did you know that “curds and whey” is just another phrase for curdled milk? You can also separate it into cheese curds, which can be a tasty treat!
39. Edible Glass
Using 7 ingredients, you can recreate the way heat is used to turn sand into glass. This edible glass can even shatter like the real thing. But, the fun part is that you can also eat it (unlike actual glass).
40. Animal Cells Fruit Model
While not exactly an experiment, making models to represent scientific concepts is still a great idea. In this activity, kids use fruit, frosting, and food coloring to make edible models of animal cells.
41. Making Raisins for Edible Science Experimemts
This activity is an opportunity for kids to see what happens when food is left out in the sun. In most cases, it’s not a good thing!
But, when you leave grapes in the sun to dehydrate, the result is a tasty treat - raisins. Eat them as a snack or use them in your favorite recipes.
42. Edible Bacteria Candy
Although it flies in the face of lab safety to eat anything that you grew in a petri dish, this fun activity simulates the growth of bacteria.
Using petri dishes, orange jello, and assorted candies, kids can create models of bacteria that they can actually eat. Just make sure to emphasize that they’d never eat the results of an actual bacterial experiment.
Enjoy Your Edible Science Experiments
Don't these edible experiments for science fun look amazing?!?
If you feel a bit overwhelmed by all the choices for science + tasty treats, no worries! I recommend that you go through the list and mark down the ones that look the most interesting to you (and edible science experiments that may be seasonal). Chat with your little scientists about the activities and start with your favorite fun edible science experiment. You'll be able to enjoy so much cool - and hopefully yummy - science fun!
Do you and your kids have edible science experiments that you love to do?
Please share it with us in the comments below!