Learn With Your Kids: New Series For Family Fun

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Are you looking for ways to build relationships with your kids? Want to learn a new skill or about a new topic? Find out why these types of activities are awesome for your family-and you! Follow along this new series to discover ways to add family fun while gaining knowledge.


Do you ever look at your kids and think how lucky they are to have the chance to learn something new everyday? Ever ponder over what it must feel like to look at the world with a set of eyes that are eager to soak up new experiences and ideas? I confess that these thoughts pass through my mind frequently as I teach my five boys in our homeschool-and I get a tad jealous.

You see, I am a self-described nerd. I love learning. I love making new connections and discoveries. And (now don't throw tomatoes!) I sometimes miss school.

If you are like me and share these wishes for continued learning, do not fret. Guess what?  We have the opportunity to learn every single day alongside our kids.

The question is:  are we using this precious time with our kids (or during our coveted "me time") wisely? Do you and I jot down our hopes for skills and subjects that we dream of mastering? Do we take the time to research and plan how to make these dreams a reality?

Throughout my adulthood, the lifelong learner in me continues to thrive. I taught myself how to make organic soy candles, learned scrapbooking, and now love planning. When I take the time to slow down and consider all there is that I still want to learn in my life, I take great steps towards those goals.

Lately, life has gotten busy. Homeschooling, soccer practices, blogging, and home management seem to consume my every minute. What is this autodidact to do? (And for more fun ways to describe those who love learning, read What's The Word For Someone Who Loves To Learn?)

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I decided that it was time to start incorporating some of my learning goals into our homeschool. Yes, I will continue to pursue a few hobbies on my own (my boys aren't really into decorative planning). I realized that involving my boys in my learning pursuits would benefit us all!

Learn With Your Kids: Why It Is Important

When you learn with your kids, you are establishing special connections. Your kids get to see you dare to try something new. They may even see you struggle a bit. Their silent (or not-so-silent if they are like a few of my boys) observations are processed and applied to their own attempts at learning something new.

You are given a wonderful opportunity as a role model on how to handle difficult tasks. You can show how to work on frustration tolerance, anger management, and perseverance. You also benefit from having a greater appreciation for what your kids might be going through as they navigate a new concept.


Make deep connections with your kids when you learn beside them. Learn with your kids to gain knowledge & experience self-growth.

Learn With Your Kids:  A New Blog Series

To celebrate time to learn with your kids, I am starting a new blog series for families to discuss and get inspiration. I have several subject areas that I will be working on with my boys to share throughout this series.

Please share your experiences for when you learn with your kids in the comments below or any of the related blog posts. Also, I will have an area in our Rock Your Homeschool! Facebook group where we can share pictures and stories.

If you are a blogger and interested in contributing to this Learn With Your Kids blog series, email me at busyboysbrigade@gmail.com. We can discuss possible topics and creative ways to share.


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