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5 FREE Printable Resources for Youth Soccer Coach

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Are you (or a loved one!) a Youth Soccer Coach? Have you been coaching for years? Maybe you have been begged by your kid's soccer club to coach? If you or a loved one fit into any of these categories, you will find here all that is needed to prepare for a fantastically fun Youth Soccer season!!

So often, Youth Soccer coaches are dads or moms volunteering and just trying to help out. They may have no soccer (or sports!) experience at all. These caring individuals just want to do what is best for their kids.

Or maybe they are seasoned soccer players with an impressive sports resume. But, they just don't have time to think about or put together all the administrative tasks and organization necessary for being a Youth Soccer Coach.

Hey, all you dedicated dads and moms out there-I totally get it! And I completely respect your time and effort in helping Youth Soccer.  To thank you for your willingness to help, I offer these FREE PRINTABLE RESOURCES!

**As always, if you have any questions or need me to tweak something, let me know! I am more than willing to change it up for you if it is all in the name of soccer (& fun!)

Simply click on the image, download, and print.

1.  Youth Soccer Preseason Prep Checklist:  Get ready for a great season with this checklist. Contact information, equipment, and season preparation are all included.

Get ready for your Youth Soccer season with this Preseason Prep Checklist!

2. Sample {Email} Letter to Youth Soccer Families:  I include this sample email letter because:

(1) I know that not everyone is a writer

(2) not everyone has the time nor the inclination to put something like this together

(3) I truly believe that it is helpful to soccer families and, ultimately, you as a coach! The more that you share here, the less questions or issues that you will have down the road!  Woo hoo!

(And, yes, I am aware that this is just shy of being a novel-but it it well-worth it-trust me on this!)

Here is an example of an email letter to be sent to your soccer families


3. Youth Soccer Preseason Family Checklist:  I find it helpful to let my soccer families know what is expected of them. Some soccer families have no experience with youth sports and need someone to hold their hands. Other soccer families have been around for a while but have just plain forgotten what is required. Either way, it helps soccer families to know what they need to do!

A checklist to provide for your soccer families-can even be added as an attachment to introductory email!


4.  Youth Soccer Coach First Practice Agenda-Family Meeting:  Be prepared to talk with your soccer families at the end of your first practice (or beginning-whatever floats your boat!)  I have found that I need something written down in front of me-or I miss something (or somethings!) and have to call or email afterwards. Don't know about you but I don't have a lot of time for those type of shenanigans-so making sure I have included it all during this time is essential!

Agenda for Family Meeting at the end of your first practice


5.  Travel First Aid Kit for {Soccer} Families (and any on-the-go activities!):  I found these items on the US Youth Soccer site but wanted something clean and printable to reference.

Check with your soccer club-some have free first aid kits for each coach (lucky ducks!). If not, putting these first aid supplies together is very important. It is a sad but true fact that kids will get hurt during sports and it is essential to be prepared.

List of items to have in a Travel First Aid Kit-great for sports or any on-the-go activities!

I truly hope that these 5 FREE PRINTABLE YOUTH SOCCER COACH RESOURCES are helpful.

 One tip:  tell your fellow youth soccer coaches and families to stop by here and print out their own copies!   You will be helping all the youth soccer families in your club become more organized-and more able to love the most beautiful game!

Now, get out there & go have fun playing soccer with your kids!


Oh, one more thing...for more tips, ideas, and help, Follow me on Pinterest! Here's my boards on soccer:
Follow busyboysbrigade's board Soccer coach on Pinterest. Follow busyboysbrigade's board Sports for kids on Pinterest. Follow busyboysbrigade's board Soccer Mom Tips on Pinterest. Follow busyboysbrigade's board Soccer gear on Pinterest.

Did these 5 FREE PRINTABLE YOUTH SOCCER RESOURCES help you? Drop me a comment below and let me know-also, any questions or tweaks you might need on the forms!



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