
5 Easy Ways to Maintain Focus in Your Homeschool

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You CAN maintain focus in your homeschool. Here are 5 tips and resources to give you hope and help.



Such a simple word. And yet sometimes so hard to achieve!

Oh, I'm not talking about your kids (yet! I'll address helping your kid maintain focus in your homeschool this month). I'm talking about YOU!


A Few Reasons Why It Can Be Hard to Focus in Your Homeschool

Maintaining focus in your homeschool can be quite a challenge as a mom. So many responsibilities, errands, and laundry piles beckoning us with their never-ending presence. Distractions from social media (girl, you know it's true!) and all of its gazillions of sites and apps.

Then, there are the rabbit holes. Now, I am very much like Alice and love exploring new homeschool areas and ideas with my boys. Nothing wrong with taking some time to dig deeper into a subject or tweak out interesting facts and details.

Problems arise, however, when you can't back on track.  It's like the lenses in your homeschool viewfinder have gotten foggy or distorted or completely popped out of the apparatus.

Maybe you are aware of the issue and tired of groping around blindly trying to get back to your homeschool plans?

Or perhaps you are more like the Mad Hatter and oblivious to what's going on?

My homeschool friend, there is hope and help! You can regain and maintain focus in your homeschool with a few tools and tips.


5 Easy Ways to Maintain Focus in Your Homeschool

Well, the good news is that you can return from Wonderland just like Alice did! Here are a few tips and tricks to help you maintain focus in your homeschool.

1.  Homeschool Vision Board

A visual representation of your goals and hopes for your homeschool, a vision board can help you stay on track. Pictures and drawings are fantastic reminders of subjects you are covering, special projects that you are working on, and rewards like field trips or fun activities.

To boost the effectiveness of your homeschool vision board, keep it simple and at eye level. Place it in an area where you homeschool or somewhere you tend to get distracted (like near your computer). The visual components of your homeschool vision board can be powerful and help you redirect yourself as you resume work towards your homeschool goals.


2. Code Word or Phrase

When you start to feel yourself slip down a rabbit hole that looks like it might suck you into a bottomless vortex (or you just don't have time to squirrel), use a predetermined codeword or phrase to jolt you back into reality. Something simple like, "Focus" or "Laser Vision" can be enough to pull you out of your trance and get you working once more towards completing your homeschool work for the day.


3. Affirmations to Help You Focus in Your Homeschool

Use these positive self-statements to reinforce your codeword or phrase. Affirmations are fabulous reminders of your worth and potential. Make sure to keep your affirmations firmly tucked in reality. An affirmation like, "I will focus on our homeschool and concentrate on the task at hand. I will gently return my attention to our homeschool when I find that it strays." is much more effective than "I will never lose focus in my homeschool nor look at social media nor forget anything."


4. Planning

Create an outline of hopes and goals for your homeschool. I believe that all types of homeschoolers, from Classical to Unschooling, can benefit from goal setting and planning. Not everyone is a planner girl and likes to maintain a daily schedule or record. That's cool! A simple spiral notebook can work very well for jotting down what you will focus on in your homeschool.

I highly recommend the Plan Your Year guide and materials. This kit guides you through a customized homeschool planning process. If you are unfamiliar with planning and goal setting for your homeschool, you will find the hope and help you need right here.


5. Put on Blinders

There are so many new and shiny distractions out there. Social media is definitely one area where putting on blinders or a filter can help you maintain focus in your homeschool. Limit your social media usage to non-homeschool hours (don't even think about checking your notifications!).

If you find yourself losing focus in your homeschool due to checking out other homeschoolers' curriculum and approaches, put those blinders on, baby!

Don't fall for the comparison trap.  You selected your homeschool resources and approach for a reason. Stick with it for at least this year. Give your curriculum and approach a chance.

If you still feel called to change things up, wait to begin research until you have wrapped up your homeschool year. This single step can be so powerful in helping you maintain your homeschool focus.


Do you struggle with maintaining focus in your homeschool?
What tips and resources to maintain focus would you add to this list?

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