5 Days of Holiday Learning Fun - Day 5: 6 Fun Holiday Lego Challenges

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holiday learning fun

Oh boy! Our last day of iHomeschool Network Christmas Hopscotch! I have to admit that I am sad this hopscotch is over-but looking forward to the next! I am also looking forward to sharing more holiday fun very soon!

This week, Busy Boys Brigade shared:

I thought that I would wrap our Holiday Learning Fun series up with Holiday Lego Challenges! Legos are very popular in our home and often used for play and with purpose. Add holidays to the mix...and the fun is multiplied!

One reason why I included Holiday Lego Challenges into our 5 Day Holiday Hopscotch is that building with Legos is a great way to keep kids busy! When a challenge is added, my boys spend even more time trying to build their best. While they are busy building, Mommy gets some precious time to use in holiday preparation! Win-win!

We made a list of Holiday Lego Challenges to try. We were surprised at how difficult some of our ideas were to actually build! Some of our ideas that did not pan out for us (star, wreath) but we were pleased with our final results. If you attempt these Holiday Lego Challenges, we would love to hear all about it (and see pictures!)

6 Fun Holiday Lego Challenges

  1. Candy Caneholiday learning fun legos candy cane

    2. Stockingholiday learning fun legos stocking

3.  Gingerbread Householiday learning fun legos gingerbread house

4. Ornament--We are so excited about this challenge! We are going to find some colorful yarn and actually hang on our tree!holiday learning fun legos ornament

5. Christmas Tree (Professor took on this challenge. I was a bit perplexed by his color choices. He informed me that his tree was entitled "Retro Tree". Well, okay!)holiday learning fun legos retro tree

6. Gingerbread Manholiday learning fun legos gingerbread man


Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out Busy Boys Brigade’s Holiday Fun Learning Games! Make sure to check in each day this week for more Holiday Fun Ideas!

[bctt tweet="Day 5 of 5 Days of #iHSnet Christmas Hopscotch - 6 Holiday Lego Challenges"]

I highly encourage you to hop on over to iHomeschool Network’s Christmas Hopscotch! You will find many awesome ideas and tips for your holiday season!





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