
A Fascinating Way to Enrich Your Kindergarten Homeschool

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Make the most of your kindergarten homeschool experience, without overcomplicating it or making it boring. Your child is embarking on a critical point in their education and it's time to get them excited about learning.

I've found a fascinating way to enrich this special time of my youngest boy's education. Check out what we're using for Kindergarten homeschool history and how it's helping me keep learning fun.

Find out how you can easily add enrichment to your Kindergarten homeschool.

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free and was compensated for my time. As always, I’m honestly sharing my opinions and experiences. I was not required to provide a positive review.

Why We Add Enrichment to Our Kindergarten Homeschool

This year, my youngest boy is transitioning from Kindergarten to first grade. I can't believe that my baby is getting so big! Of course, I want to do all that I can to help us enjoy every minute of this memorable time.

I need solid resources, like Sonlight's Exploring American History: History/Bible/Literature K, to add enrichment to Xman's Kindergarten homeschool experience. With a large-family homeschool and busy schedule, I have to make sure that our curriculum choices are:

  • easy-to-use
  • open-and-go
  • affordable
  • engaging (time is too precious!)

Boy smiles as he holds Heroes and Happenings, a fabulous resource that's part of Sonlight's Exploring American History Kindergarten

As I look back upon homeschooling his four older brothers, I realize that our family has approached Kindergarten homeschool in different ways. Our two oldest boys attended half-day public school Kindergarten. Overall, great experiences that included me adding at-home enrichment to help these boys not get bored or discouraged.

Both boys #3 and #4 were homeschooled for Kindergarten. Due to our large-family size and mama just trying to survive, their Kindergarten homeschool experiences were very relaxed and natural extensions of their older brother's lessons. These experiences included lots of family read-alouds, especially with one of our favorite subjects, history.

After watching big brothers with their homeschool subjects and lessons, Xman has begged to have his own books and materials. He's an enthusiastic learner and I want to encourage that love of learning. Kindergarten homeschool history seemed like a fantastic place to keep learning fun and engaging.

Your child will learn about significant historical figures & happenings with Sonlight's Exploring American History Kindergarten Homeschool.

Yes, Kindergarten Homeschool History Can Be Fascinating!

We've used a variety of homeschool history programs but nothing Kindergarten specific. Most of the resources in our homeschool library are geared towards older kids.

Although Xman loves listening to these books, I wanted a curriculum that was age-appropriate. He's been working hard on learning how to read and I don't want him to get discouraged or frustrated with content that's too difficult.

I did not, however, want books that seemed babyish. As the youngest of our family, Xman does not appreciate that!

Fortunately, I discovered a new Kindergarten homeschool curriculum from Sonlight. Exploring American History: History/Bible/Literature K is full of rich resources filled with fascinating lessons and pictures.

Easily enrich your Kindergarten homeschool with Sonlight's Exploring American History.

This American History program for Kindergarten level is absolutely charming! Xman loves when it's time for one of his History lessons. He grabs his books, a favorite blanket, and runs to our blue couch for special Kindergarten history time with mama.

You can enrich your Kindergarten homeschool & still enjoy read-alouds with snuggles using Exploring American History.

It's ALWAYS nice to snuggle up with great books on historical figures and events 🙂

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How We're Enjoying Kindergarten Homeschool History with Sonlight

Xman and I have had the honor to review part of Exploring American History: HBL K. I'm using the Instructor's Guide to lead our lessons with Heroes and Happening: Sixty Stories in Two Volumes from American History.

The Instructor's Guide (IG) makes it super easy to begin and enjoy a Kindergarten homeschool history lesson. I just flip to where we left off, check for the pages to be covered, and we're off!

Sonlight's Exploring American History includes an amazing Instructor's Guide that makes it easy-to-use and open-and-go.

Discussion Questions/Points are available on the same page of the IG. Other key features of the IG include:

  • Memorization (Bible)
  • Timeline and map reminders
  • Specific books to be used that day and what pages to read (Exploring American History kit contains a variety of resources for your Kindergarten History, Bible, and Literature. You have to check out these titles!)

Heroes and Happenings (Volumes One and Two) are truly fascinating! Your child will be introduced to prominent historical figures in colorful illustrations, stories, and facts.

Xman and I love having vocabulary words featured on select pages. These words have been wonderful for copywork and spelling, too.

This amazing Kindergarten homeschool history includes vocabulary to help your child enjoy learning.

I'm pleased that Xman is getting a better understanding of some of the historical figures that he's heard about through his older brothers' lessons. Now, Xman feels like he knows Squanto, Benjamin Franklin, and John James Audubon. Amazing stuff for a Kindergartner!

Your child will also be learning valuable map skills as part of Exploring American History for your Kindergarten Homeschool.
This write on/wipe off map is included in the Instructor's Guide of Exploring American History.

Try Sonlight Curriculum for FREE!

If you have a soon-to-be Kindergartner and want a solid Christian homeschool curriculum, I encourage you to try Sonlight.

Like to give homeschool curriculum a test drive before making a big decision? You can try Sonlight for FREE! Just click HERE or on the image below 🙂

You can try out Sonlight for free!

You can also click HERE to request a catalog to find out more information on all the resources that Sonlight has available.

Sonlight's Exploring American History includes resources that help you easily enrich your Kindergarten Homeschool.

Exploring American History with Sonlight

After checking out Sonlight's Exploring American History: History/Bible/Literature K, share in the comments why you think this Kindergarten homeschool curriculum would be fascinating for your child 🙂

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  1. I already have curated a big list of picture books for studying Americans history this year with my 6 (and 4) year old, but debating a "spine" since history isn't my strength and I want to make sure and tie everything together - curious if you think Heroes and Happenings would be beneficial for this (without using the teacher guide)? Thank you!

  2. I love that it is age appropriate for a kindergartener. I will be doing American History with my older child too.

  3. We love literature based learning and have been eyeing Sonlight for awhile. It looks so engaging for the children!

    1. Hey Stefany! I'm just seeing your comment. This is our first experience with Sonlight & it's been amazing 🙂

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