How to Enjoy a Smooth Transition to Learning At Home

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Have you recently discovered that you could use some help as you transition to learning at home? Many families with students of all ages are now trying to figure out how to smoothly and pleasantly make this switch.

To help you make this shift to at-home learning, check out these tips and ideas for an effective and enjoyable transition.


You can make a smooth transition to learning at home. Help your child succeed with online learning & more with these tips & ideas.


Disclaimer:  I was compensated for my time as I gathered information on and wrote this post. 


Who Needs to Transition to Learning at Home?

I don't know of a single family who hasn't been affected this year by the global health situation. In some type of way, daily lives have been impacted and no one knows for how long.

One of the biggest shocks has been a sudden shift to at-home learning.

Are you among any of these groups who are unexpectedly transitioning to learning at home?:

  • Homeschoolers who use a cottage school or other type of hybrid approach
  • Families who attend a homeschool co-op
  • Homeschoolers who are used to having a variety of extracurricular activities to add enrichment
  • Private school students
  • Public school students
  • Students attending community college, college, or university
  • Teachers for all of the above!

If you're in any of the above categories, you'll find these helpful tips and ideas from can help you make a smooth transition to learning at home.

And please share this post with friends and family who are also in this situation. We've got to support each other through these tough times!


Happy girl sitting at desk with laptop to feature how you can make a smooth transition to learning at home


The Effects of Making This Transition to At-Home Learning

Although our homeschool life hasn't been greatly disturbed, my boys and I have definitely felt the effects of having more time at home. With no sports or church events to attend (and not being able to go to the library), we've had to get creative in how we're using this extra time together.

Family and friends with children attending public and private schools have been hit extremely hard. Without much warning, families are now expected to replicate school at home. Little to no time was available to plan and prepare for such a change. gathered these facts and information on the effects of school closures on parents and children. In addition to worries over providing quality education at home during these times, parents are noticing that kids are:

  • More distracted
  • Less motivated
  • Confused about navigating online learning
  • Missing peer interaction

So, what can you do as a concerned parent or family member? provides great recommendations and reminders to help you deal with these situations.


Make the transition to learning at home as smooth as possible with these terrific tips & ideas.


Creating an Effective Learn At-Home Work Space

One of the fantastic ways that you can make a smooth transition to learning at home is taking time to set up an effective workspace.

You may be limited as far as area and budget in establishing a learn at-home workspace. Or maybe don't have room for a permanent solution?

That's okay!

As long as you strive to provide these recommended things (like a well-lit area) prior to your learn at-home experience, your student will have a work area that supports their new educational experience.


Smiling girl relaxing in her room with laptop to feature how you can make a smooth transition to learning at home

Tips & Reminders for Making a Smooth Transition to Learning At Home

Learning at home definitely presents new challenges. Real-life noises, like mom loading the dishwasher or a sibling playing a game, continues as your student is listening to lessons or working on assignments.

Oh, and there are so many distractions! Toys, smartphone notifications, and television can easily cause attention and focus issues.

Lack of routine is another huge factor. Schedules have been disrupted. Typical classroom expectations and limitations that guide completion of work have vanished. If your student isn't used to learning in these situations, you may find yourself wondering how to best guide them.

To help your student become a more efficient and independent learner, here are some strategies and suggestions to boost learning at-home plus provide essential skills for life.


Impressive Resource to Help You Homeschool During This Transition

During these uncertain times, you may find that you need to change up your approach to your child's education. The right support and guidance as you make this transition might be just the thing you need to emerge from all of this change feeling good 🙂 offers online homeschool courses and support for grades 3-12. This option is a fantastic way to make a smooth transition to learning at home if you don't have the time, energy, or resources you need.

There's no shame in seeking out external help and support! You're acting in your child's best interests and that's what is important.

See if's online homeschool is right for your family by clicking HERE. There are several options so make sure to check it all out 🙂


How has your family been dealing with having more time at home? How can you use help in making a smooth transition to learning at home?

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